Curse - 150 bil
Rook - 150 bil
Harpy - 125 bil
Jaguar - sold
Munnin - 150 bil
Rapier - 200 bil
Nemesis - 125 bil
Cheetah - 125 bil
Wolf - sold
Eris - 100 bil
Heretic - 100 bil
Crow - 135 bil
Up to the top.
nemesis 25B
Not in this life time.
Prices added.
Bump to the top
Couple sold. To the top…
To the top.
Just the tip.
Rook BPO still for sale?
If so: how many BPO are available and for how much ISK?
Evemail sent.
To the top please.
Prices reduced…
Sent an in-game mail from an alt.
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