WTS Tutorial Attack Drone - Sold

up to 75b

Lets make it a cool 80B

up to 85b

@Shaktar do you plan to have a way for people to see the museum you are building?

90B, yeah Iā€™m working on a webpage, kinda like Entity. But as I want to do it myself, Iā€™m still learning how to code html. Also my collection is not nearly as vast as many of the other collectors Iā€™ve met, but I try =)

That sounds awesome, canā€™t wait to see it!

I will raise one last time to 99b

That if you really really want you can take it for a nice even 100b (unless someone else is crazy enough to join the party now)

I got to say Iā€™m torn on this one now. Just minutes to go on the sniper ruleā€¦ On the one hand I could easily go up to 100b and buy what I think will be the most expensive drone in eve history (got to check but Iā€™m pretty sure), yet on the other hand I feel like I could get way more things for my museum that are equally as important for the same amountā€¦ what to doā€¦

I will promise to put it in a Guardian-Vexor if you let me have it :slight_smile:

You take it, though I hope this begins a good relationship, where we trade interesting things amongst collectors. In fact Iā€™ll make a channel and invite you to it

Thank you! And yes letā€™s connect in game, always a pleasure to meet fellow collectors :slight_smile:

@Zahara_Cody you can make the contract to this character. Can do via PLEX too if thatā€™s better

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Will send you an evemail tomorrow, and probably make a forum post with the channel name for collectors to join.


this is clearly getting out of hand.

Super rare drone. I was hoping to get it for my guardian vexor (As is The Archiviste) but better investments are pending for me :frowning:

tl;dr - too poor

Appreciate the interest. Contract has been made to The Archiviste.

Accepted, thank you for the sale :slight_smile:

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