Msg in game, accepting 2b min 500m under Jita price
contract to me
contract up
Still for sale! msg here or in game.
on contract in Jita far cheaper than market price!
Willing to take offers… 1.9b min
wts to any offer over 1.5b
Contract it to me. I’ll take it right now
how about 1.6b? Also wts Tuvan’s tracking comp for 2.8b min
Fine. Contract it and i’ll accept it if its within the next 6 hours.
ight contract up, enjoy that steal!
Cormacks mod sold, now selling Tuvan’s tracking comp! Get your titan’s fit today!
daily bump
daily bump, will take offers that are over 2.5b!!
bump still for sale
bump 2.5b min for Tuvan’s tracking comp! still 500m less than market sell orders in Jita…
bump for sale
bump for sale
wts 2.6b asap!
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