WTS Whiptail AT Ship :partyparrot:

So just a month ago you said 250… but now that someone else overvalued their ship you raised your price by over 50. Am I reading that right?

I had an offer of 250b before hypernet came out. Why would I sell it at anything below that when hypernet has hit and items are selling for up to 50% more? Virtuosos were selling for 160b max before hypernet and now 2 have sold for 250b+ I don’t think it’s unreasonable to value it at that price.

Thats to pay for the fees, cores and risk…

for 300billion total, you pay 15 billion in Hypyernet fees and 15 Billion in hypercores alone.

which means you still come out to less than less than 270 if you sell it on hypernet PLUS you run the risk of not even selling it because people see you overvalued it.

As for the Virtuosos for 260, he is paying 13bil in fees and 14 bil in Cores. That almost 30 Bil in upfront costs just to TRY and sell the item is why you see the increase in the price. The value of the ship hasn’t increased at all.

Nice try.

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Considering the interest I have had for the Whiptail, and amount of people asking in various discords asking when a Whiptail is going on the hypernet, I wouldn’t say it would be that risky. Considering most AT ships that have gone on hypernet have sold even at a price above what they have sold for in the past on forums/contracts. You say the value of the ships hasn’t gone up, but you just said it yourself that the Virtuoso sold for 230b after fees, that’s 50-60b more than it has ever sold for before. Tell me the last time you saw a Whiptail for sale other than my own? The ship itself is super rare and awesome to fly. If you don’t like my price then don’t buy it my friend :partying_face: isk can be printed infinitely :money_with_wings: but there aren’t many Whiptails for sale :lizard:.

good luck :slight_smile:

If you are so confident it could be hypernetted for 300b+, why not do it yourself?


My thoughts @Admiral_Mason

I offer 210bil for it.

I’ll trade you a taipan

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