Would love to trade for another fitted AT vessel (preferrably victor with some isk to round it up) or selling it for isk
A lot of killmarks, fully fitted
Well thats possible, but I consider virtu a lot less valuable since it lacks in solo department and there is a solid presence of this ship on market.
In this case (if virtu fit is decent too) we can negotiate some isk compensation.
What you looking for?
Victor - most of all
Not worth half of a Victor
Obv there might be some isk compensation
how much? i got only hull. be realistic
Fitted caedes is close to 300 on market and I can add another 30b since unfitted victor price is somethere in 320-350b area
Up, looking for decent trades
To the moon
240b bid via mail, looking for more
Still here
To the moon
Still looking for a victor (with isk compensation from my side) or pure isk
Still for sale
Still looking for a buyer who can get a good price