X47 Fight is NOT OK

I’m just saying the feedback is not constructive. It neither explains the problem, nor does it propose any sort of solution other than to impose a limit of some kind which is not specific enough to be actionable. People being unable to log in, for example, limits the number of people who can be there. Is that what you want? No, but it’s what the evil genie grants you in this case.

Other people are providing more useful feedback and constructive criticism, and that’s great, but It takes complaining about just how vacuous the OP is to get people to offer that useful feedback out of spite, or, like Aisha said, the OP will be ignored for what it is.

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Agreed his feedback isn’t constructive. It’s just feedback, and valuable feedback too, because if CCP didn’t already know that this fight was not OK, they should.

I think the ‘constructive’ part in the OP wasn’t meant literal, but that’s just my interpretation.


This sounds like a great solution tbh. I’m new to these large scale fights and yea this was so aids. I always heard about these awesome fights and wanted to get in on the action but this was more boring than PvE in High Sec. Took 7+ minutes from issuing a lock command to it executing. That amount of TiDi isn’t fun. Huge turn off for this game actually. The game clearly can’t function with more than a few thousand in a single solar system.

Assigning a “side” and then limit it doesn’t work. You’ll just end up with “neutral parties” joining in who then magically favour a side.

Either accept the (horrible) consequences of being part of an alliance bigger than what dozens of WOW servers can deal with or don’t be part of such a large group and have less blues.


This is still addressed by Albion’s solution (you can read the link I gave in the next post). But I agree that people would try to game it with neutral parties if they can, so CCP would have to have smart rules to mitigate such problems.

Eh, I wish I could be playing in a null sec alliance and not be involved in such large scale fights with my group.

For example I loved the time I had in Brave when we set everyone to neutral back in '21 and invaded Pure Blind on our own. Small scale skirmishes everywhere, no TIDI whatsoever.

The nature of null sec politics however means that if your huge neighbour wants to take your systems or your other small neighbour’s systems, you’ll have to (temporarily) group up to even stand a chance of fighting back.

Having fought back the bloc of WinterCo together with our neighbours for the past 8 months, we now finally see some progress in this war in a positive sense with the back up from the Imperium. Which sadly does cause TIDI and server issues.

The way this game works, numbers matter, and without numbers you’re not going to get anywhere. I wish I could go back to small scale fights again, but if you want to defend your space, you need to be able to group up and get more numbers than the enemy group. That’s just the nature of this game.

And the server has trouble with those numbers.


You can, you just choose not to because

I understand what you’re saying but the problem is people, not the game. It doesn’t matter if CCP somehow magically doubles server performance, groups will simply bring more people because they have to. It can’t be solved.

If you choose to be part of the rat race where size = power then you choose the consequences, if you don’t like the (temporary) consequences of your choices then you can be angry about those consequences but the blame lies on you, and your friends.

The only way for this to be less problematic is to severely restrict insta travel, where movements of goods, supplies, replacements and people isn’t so easy that you can have 1000s of people cross the whole map just “for some fun”. That way there’s less power projection and you can, and have to, care less about what happens on the other side of the map.


CCP made the game, they can change and fix it.

Not saying this is a good idea, but for example if CCP were to create a new doomsday weapon that, when fired on a grid, kills 10% of all random ships (ignoring tether safeties) every minute on that grid for the next couple of hours as long as there are more than 100 ships on that grid, the fight would look completely different.

The way CCP made the game, bringing more and more numbers on a single grid means you have an advantage.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be that way.

That’s not a solution. It would be hilarious but also terrible and incredibly unbalanced. We tried that, it was terrible BS.

Stop this white knighting. Its perfectly normal people have complaints about the shitshow these big fights are. It “DOES” suck. There should be more people complaining about it so CCP puts more effort into trying to fix it, what you do here is not helping the issue at all and if you are going to expect players to come up with the solutions thats even more backwards. Players are not required to learn a dev’s job or research what all the possibilities are with current hardware technology to run servers, they are the paying customers. Its the people working at ccp that need to make sure the product they are selling works as advertised, a player should not have to care a rat’s ass how they do it. Thats how the entire model of the worlds economy works and it isnt any diffrent here.

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That is exactly why I am of the opinion that nothing has improved in years. Yes, you can stash ever more people in the grinder, but it remains a grinder. More performance just leads to more characters grinding. The whole underlying system needs to change. People need to be spread out, battles need to be spread out. Then we can have a lot more people actually enjoying these experiences and not despair over hours long module cycles, unresponsive clients, declined logins, crashing server nodes (to an extent) and so on and so forth.


You rightfully labeled it as a complaint instead of ‘constructive criticism’. I never said people can’t complain about negative experiences nor did I tell anyone, even the op, not to complain. I said that the op is a complaint as opposed to constructive criticism. I’ve not said a word to defend CCP or the state of affairs, so I wouldn’t call what I posted ‘white knighting’.

Gerard makes the observation that the mention of ‘constructive’ was not meant to be taken literally, which is a very kind way to say I’m being overly pedantic. Fair enough, but I still like that it seems to have provoked some actual constructive criticism even if phrased in the form of a rebuke of my original post.

I’m just spitballing here - and I’m no computer expert - but would it help if all the firing animations, explosions etc were turned off or “turned down” at server level by CCP when a big battle occurs? I mean most of us play in potato mode anyway when there’s a big fight.

Or is the server just being overwhelmed by a massive number of commands, regardless of graphics (and sound, for anyone that actually uses it)?

Graphics are client side, which doesn’t affect the servers.

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We all know „big groups are a fundamental part of EVE, they drive most of the story lines in null, and they are a large part of what attracts people to the game and makes them stick around long after the honeymoon period has ended“ which begs the question why CCP:

  1. Still tolerates small group and small gang warfare, and
  2. Why it still even bothers having small nodes: just delete most nodes and most space, just have a few places run on big nodes, so
  3. Everyone can be a part of the big group lagerst battles and CCP can just run a few big heavy nodes without forgetting to ever reinforce one in preparation for a brief gaming-headline-grabbing battle.

It’ll save real money costs, big blocs are happy because no more crash fests, and at least folks like me won’t keep getting ■■■■■■ in the ass while being gaslit by the devs who pretend small group content exists because they can create some hard cap instanced PvE content.

Because that too is part of the variety of playstyles this game offers.

Not everythings is the scale of yesterday’s battle. In fact, it rarely is.

Lack of big nodes isn’t the problem, I’d be surprised if yesterday did not already run on one of the requested reinforced nodes.

…that’s the point. Why even bother, when neither the devs nor CSM give it serious consideration.

…that is also the point. CSM is clearly big-null biased. Just make everyone happy:

  1. one big headline-grabbing nullsec team deathmatch style arena always running on a reinforced mode for frequent big battles. It makes everyone in big nullsec happy because more frequent bigger battles and far less crashes
  2. make one big perfect perma safety green highsec zone. All the „new generation of gamers that will save Eve Online“ will be happy.

People that like small gang combat stuff like me don’t count to begin with, this just makes reality match expectations. And it is an improvement: monetarily, philosophically, and by every metric CCP / CSM has.

Even better if FW can be done in the perma green safety zone.

Why are you talking about small scale fights in this context? Or the CSM?

Small scale fights have and cause no server issues whatsoever, so I don’t see why you have to bring those up in this topic.

This topic is about how the servers cannot handle huge scale fights even when reinforced.

Personally I much prefer smaller 10-20 man engagements without TIDI and without server issues, but that isn’t what this thread is about.

If you want to complain about how you think there’s not enough small scale content or how you think the CSM is biased, surely you can make a new complaint thread for that instead of going completely off-topic here?


I think the implication he’s making is that hardware that services less used areas of space where small fights take place could be re-allocated to a smaller number of nodes so that they could support a larger number of players. Essentially less space in space in exchange for supporting more players in the remaining space at once.

That’s my interpretation. I am not expressing an opinion on whether it’s a good idea.

I am on topic: get rid of non-reinforced nodes and any content with it. Focus on the core of the game. Make the reinforced nodes the gold standard and make them beefier. Put all real dev manpower on the problem: make 5k+ battles smooth like butter. Make more headlines and make those fights enjoyable and suddenly you have tons of players again.

If that means death of small gang content, who cares. I’m pointing out it aligns financially and makes the CSM (who represents playerbase) happy.

Just because you don’t like the point I’m making doesn’t mean you have to lie about me being off topic. I don’t like the point I’m making but I’m being honest with myself: the game doesn’t benefit when the huge number of subs from big blocs are incentivized to quit when their only exciting content is crashing the game.

Small gang content doesn’t make headlines that reach Hilmar‘s desk and doesn’t move the needle financially. Who cares if the nodes that power the systems that produce that content goes away (besides fools like me and other bespoke weirdos).

I don’t know how to spell it out clearer than this. I am literally agreeing with the title of this thread „X47 Fight Is NOT OK“ and proposing concrete ways to prevent it in the future. Even if it hurts my favored playstyle.


You may find this incredulous because I am just a small, insignificant forum alt (as certain elements on this forum never tire to point out), but I despise these big battles. They are profoundly unenjoyable and unentertaining. They are the anti-thesis of entertainment to me. I would much prefer to be able to use a smaller, nimbler ship and fly around the grid or be part of a small pack and roam around neighboring systems and pick off targets of opportunity, late-comers, scouts, perch ceptors, bombers, disconnects and so on. But nothing of this is possible because the terrible server performance simply does not allow it to happen. After so many years of CCP refusing to change the underlying systems, I came to the conclusion that this is by design and fully intentional.

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