

 I am Alaska Time zone. I am capable of flying nearly anything. I have had a rough patch of PvP recently because I really have no one to fly with. I am looking for a competent group of people to do casual PvP. I am not against Alliance ops if the time frames fit. Message me for a conversation.

113M Focused Combat Skill Points
Alaska Time zone +9 GMT
Can Fly All ships BS and Below
Dread Pilot
Carrier Pilot
Blops Capable Dropper
Blops with Bridge Capable
My idea of mining is to shoot a mining ship and steal the ore.
Extreme ship design capabilities.
Experienced FC

We can offer you plenty of varied PvP, some large scale, mostly small roaming (~30 pilots). If you join our public chat, The EDF Bar there should be someone on to answer questions. If not, message me a time when you’ll be around and I’ll arrange someone to talk with you.

Hey bro,

Check out Imperium Legion. We are located in Tenerifis as part of the MWM collation. We have PVP/PVE opportunities where we live. We are primarily USTZ, but we are looking for EU as well.

We are long time players that have been together for 4+ years. We do enjoy PVP and are SOV holders. So defense is necessary at times. We are not elitists or hardcore. Real life comes 1st. We PVP, Mine, Rat, and explore. If you are looking for a fun place to learn, make isk, kill baddies, and chill without being yelled at, send me a mail in-game and we can chat on Team speak.

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