How to find the corp that is right for you

This post is spot on, on every point. It describes perfectly the mechanics of how we look at potential recruits and what we look for and on behalf of the person applying it is also perfect.

I would strongly emphasise on Voice, we always talk to people before deciding as it is the best way to get a feel for them, or even some times go on a roam with them to get a feel for the people.

If anyone invites you without asking for an ESI check (what used to be old API check) apart from Pandemic Horde, they are most likely a faceless blob/not very close with their members, I would suggest asking why they don’t ask for an ESI and how many people are on voice normally. Activity is one thing, activities together/as a group is another as normally the groups that are not good with this just accept anyone and everyone trying to get as many to join as possible tend to be the ones that don’t ask for it.

NC its Casp feom Phoibe era… if you see this lemme know. TANKS!

Still the best guide on the subject. Also it’s fairly easy to tell if someone is trying to scam you out of your assets or genuinely wants to help you move them. If they insist on either no courier contract, or no collateral courier contracts it’s likely a scam. While there are some people out there willing to help a new corpmate move stuff but don’t have the isk for collateral, odds are anyone who dose logistics for any corp with more then a handful of members has the isk to handle collateral.