So I got an official invite to a corp in a system 14 jumps away. It’s in hi sec.
This was an actual invite, not an email.
How do I look up if this is corp I want to join? What they are about? etc.
So I got an official invite to a corp in a system 14 jumps away. It’s in hi sec.
This was an actual invite, not an email.
How do I look up if this is corp I want to join? What they are about? etc.
right click on application in your corporation window, show info. Look in “description” tab for information on who to contact if you have questions etc. If there is no info there, “attributes” tab will have name of corp CEO.
Ask people, ask a lot. And if you end up in corporation you don’t like, just leave and join another one.
Also, give this a read:
Did a little digging and found the CEO has a -.7 sec rating. No thanks.
that just means they either dueled or did something against concord… it won’t affect you at all.
If you’re really looking to join a corp, best to search and find one based on your needs. Head to the recruiting forum. You’ll meet good reputable corps and what they are about. Feel free to look for my thread there as well. My corp is geared towards helping newbros have their best start in Eve.
what if i have no needs – what is the downside of not ever joining one?
My impression about Corps (and I freely admit I may be incorrect) is that you’re committed to doing certain activities with the group. My personal schedule doesn’t allow me to guarantee I will be available at any particular time.
That really depends on what corp you join. Any corp i’ve started, i just let people do as they please… and every now and then when we all had time group up etc… the corp i’m with now, is more of a service, so i really just log in when i have time and do a job when available, and log out…
downside, if you stay in NPC corp, you have 11% of bounties over 100k isk coming out of your wallet and basically disappearing to thin air… creating your own one man corp, you can control that, or you can join a corp that uses the taxes properly that they get from you (as long as its a reasonable tax like 5% or something)
or you can join a corp that has 0 tax but is flexible with what members do.
Is there a list of corps somewhere?
There’s thousands of corps in EVE. some are 1-2man corps, others are parts of alliances… It really boils down to what you are looking for in a corp.
That’s not always the case. A lot of corps understand IRL and schedules. Just as an example, my corp offers lots of benefits, but no requirements to play together. You can do what you want when you want, get assistance as you learn the paths of eve. But we will occasionally do corp fleet mining together as an example. This is done so that some of the fleet mining can help pay for corp services and structures, but corp members still keep 80% of what they mine in an op like that.
Just an example
My advice: Contact the recruiting officer and have a chat. I’ve never joined a corp without personal contact before.
And always keep in mind: You can always leave a corp with only a few clicks, there’s no time contract.
That’s just it. So many corps, where do you look?
Just put an “I’m looking for a corp to do …” post on this site?
Yeah, you can search here, but this one also works as well:
The corporation that blew up my Astrahus recruited me, so that’s how I found other players with shared interests
Best of luck in your search.
so a corp is just a temporary play group?
It can be as temporary or permanent as you like (and as good the corp is) and also depending on the purpose you join it (like if you join for a specific war then you might leave once the war is over and so on). What he meant is you shouldn’t feel you have to stay with a corp that is detrimental to your gameplay experience thus if the corp is bad you just move on, no need to be trapped in a bad situation with a bad corp.
It’s just like a guild in other mmos
EVE is my first MMORPG.
Fair enough. It’s a group of people aligned towards common interests, or types of play. Helping each other reach goals, discuss things like strategy, or plan for future things like building shared structures, etc.