July Release - Strategic Cruisers


Issues with models for CORE subsystems

Currently on SISI the Electronic Efficiency Gate subsystem has the model for the Obfuscation Manifold subsystem on TQ
On SISI the Obfuscation Manifold subsystem has the model for the CPU Efficiency Gate subsystem on TQ
On SISI the Augmented Graviton Reactor subsystem has the model for the Dissolution Sequencer subsystem on TQ

To avoid confusion I would suggest at the very least the Obfuscation Manifold needs to keep the same model as it has on TQ.
That the Electronic Efficiency Gate should get the Dissolution Sequencer model as the bonus’s for these are pretty much the same (they will do the same job on our fits)
And that the Augmented Graviton Reactor get the CPU Efficiency Gate model (I think thats probably the least used on TQ?)

Also see this post with regard to offensive subs

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