Why should I renew my subscription?

Skill injectors are only a bandaid if you’re seriously rich or have an insane amount of spare time. If you have neither, the adhesive parts ended up on your sore spot and the pad ended up… well, somewhere else.

I couldn’t agree more. And those things left seem to have become a more significant mode for those remaining to log in and play…and now people complain about these things as well. If those things go the people will have a HS with near perfect safety. But hey, we are told the servers will be bursting with new players. :rofl:



I lurk the forums once in a while to see if I want to even install the game again. Sadly, other than the memories, there’s not enough redeeming qualities about the game now to make me reinstall it.

Content has been stagnant for ages. My original account was started in 2003. Created this one as an alt in 2008. It became my main somehow. I remember when Warp To Zero was introduced. That was the first step to hugging the Carebears.

Over the years, Eve just became way to repetitive.

I’ve often thought that a full reset might be fun. Like back in 2003. Everyone starting off from skill point #1 and Sov being wide open, but the new SP Injector system kills that idea.


Well, I gotta say I’m very surprised to see this thread.

The quote below pretty much sums up my feelings as well.

In my opinion 5 years ago was when this game actually started going bad and within the last 3 years it has gone from bad to worse.

When I started playing in 6-2008, this game was great and was growing in leaps and bounds. I couldn’t wait to log in, I’d pretty much stay playing all the time. Downtime was a reminder to get some sleep. Now I can’t point out specifically why I feel that 2013 was when it went bad, all I know is there’s been way too many nerfs and bad game decisions done since then.

Now even though I’ve rarely logged into the game within the past 3 yrs, I still pay $ for a yearly sub. That’s something I’ll continue to do until the servers shut down. I intend to keep this Omega character training skills with the hope that CCP will eventually pull their heads out and make Eve great again.

If that doesn’t happen and the servers do shut down, at least I can truthfully say:



how else would you protest something in a sub based game, shoot another statue

CCP: Kek those nerds that aren’t happy are protesting so much they are shooting another statue lel, we must give them what they want!!1!1

no you vote with your wallet and there are large groups of people in the game that just love abusing things, not the first time we had game changes on something for it getting massively abused


I think this answers your question.

This is what Id do, if I was you, if I had that setup.

You have succeeded in becoming self-sufficient, have thrown off the yoke of wage slavery and have seized the means of production for yourself.

Grats, you basically won EVE.


What happened in 2013 was CCP finishing their restructuring after incarnageddon and committing to a new 5 year development plan with a clear goal and total commitment. The nickname for that plan is Rubicon Plan as it was introduced shortly before the Rubicon expansion with a letter by CCP Seagull titled “Crossing the Rubicon”.

And what has happened next is that the Rubicon Plan has fizzled. The key concept behind the plan was space colonization. Players taking control of space and their surrounding as never seen before… then fighting each other to keep the wheels turning.

The problem is that, as the joke about the hunter and the bear goes, “you haven’t come here for hunting, do you?”

Players, in the wider sense, didn’t come to EVE for space empires. CCP’s commitment to that kind of content has alienated too many players and the ones engaged with it are not enough to keep a healthy population. Due to this and the lack of performance of alternate developments CCP’s resources have thinned as their necessities grew and now they’re falling behind.

FAI, why is the EVE Updates page empty? Because there’s nothing coming, or because the people tasked with updating it were fired?

CCP Seagull said that there was no turning back from the Rubicon. Well, CCP crossed it, and afterwards their horse got ill and may bend the knees anytime.

At least they tried, though.


If Chribba leaves I leave. You’ll know it is time to go if he thinks eve is over.


Yeah! We came here for the PvE and to log in and not interact with each other. :roll_eyes:


Well I came to this game for the PvE, to log in and complete things on my own, definitely wasn’t to be forced into doing what others think I should be doing, such as join a player corp, form fleet and do pew pew all the time.


When is the last time you blew up a ship? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s fine, but in the other thread Yiole’s own infographic does not support the claim that it is PvE only. PvE players tend not to interact with other players. All the other categories interact far more. They do form fleets. They do chat with each other. Etc. Something like 80% of the players interact, 20% or so tend not too. As I noted in that thread those who do interact also do PvE, but they do other things as well. Could PvE use some love? Sure, but lets not kid ourselves in thinking it will bring back/in a crap ton of players.

Monday. When was the last time you blew up a ship on that character? (Don’t bother I already looked, never :stuck_out_tongue: )

Okay, the Raitaru wasn’t technically a ship. For an actual ship that would be last Saturday.

Oh, and just to be clear, I don’t care about killboards. If a person has a good argument they have a good argument. The killboard is pretty much irrelevant, IMO.


Soo… PCU and population is tanking since 2013 because CCP went Ahead Full with what players want?

I agree.
Was just pullin’ yer leg :slight_smile:

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Don’t get me wrong, I love the social aspect of Eve, I have 7 different chat channels open that I’m very active in. Have also fleeted up with other players at various times, all helping each other whenever needed. The main point I’m trying to make is it wasn’t forced or required, it was a choice made out of free will, done with no expectation of being rewarded.

I had already trained up Exploration skills and was working on getting a T2 Cheetah probing ship when Apocrypha Expansion was implemented. Not long after the expansion, I got the ship and would get fleetmates from my NPC starter corp for Exploration Ops. Was great, 3 or 4 Cruisers / Battlecruisers flown by medium skilled players taking on Watch and Vigil sites, each fleet member having to warp out for repairs at various times while the others kept the site engaged. Hell, we’d also chase down the expeditions as well.

Now I will admit that probably 80% of the time I’d play solo but even while doing that, I still interacted with other players in chat channels. And if the call for help happened, I’d join in and do what I could.

The main thing is it was done with free will and by player choice, not something forced by the game Devs.

Also the main thing that drew me to this game back then was the fact that players could do most anything they wanted to do, Eve was a true sandbox. Now the Dev’s dictate what players should do and have turned the game into a scripted theme park. There’s no more freedom of choice.


In this case you should definitely not subscribe because you give CCP more than the 15 Dollar per month per account as PLEX are more expensive than subscription. Keep it as it is.

What % of players do PvE?

Which CCP has yet to deliver. They probably are a year or more behind, and so far largely all we have got from the plan to date are replacements for existing features and none of the cool new space colonization game play that is suppose to be the Jesus feature of these efforts.

In retrospect it was probably too ambitious a plan for five years, especially in an era with dwindling dev resources and a simultaneous move to significantly update the monetization scheme of the game. As a result, too many things have been ignored or addressed with only the laziest of fixes (or just outright deleted from the game) and many of the new features they have finished have added new problems to that backlog of things needing attention.

Maybe this has all contributed to what is largely a morale problem that has Ima reconsidering things that stems from the apparent lack of progress. Regardless, It is absolutely true that the last two years or so have been characterized by poor communication, especially about things coming in the future, to the point that one can think the game has already entered maintenance mode. The pace of new features, outside the monetization ones like extractors and alpha clones, has been at a snail’s pace. In the almost two years since the first Citadels we have only two additional structures? I get that ECs and Refineries came with additional, or at least revamped gameplay, but the promise of Rubicon still seems far off in the hazy distance. One would think there would be some light at the end of the tunnel 4.5 years+ into the plan, but the final shape of the Rubicon plan is nearly as nebulous now as it was in 2013.

I am not going to blame the developers for this glacial pace of new game play features as it is increasingly apparent this is largely a management issue, with a side dish of poor communication. Whether the type of game play CCP is focusing on - nullsec groups or solo PvEers - is the right one seems secondary at this point as clearly CCP management has obviously been diverting resources away from real game development to monetization schemes, in what I believe will be a failed gambit to appeal to new players.

Extractors have introduced a collection of game balance issues, and while highly profitable in the short-term, one has to wonder long-term if attrition cause by the balance issues is worth it. Further, even if it is an industry trend, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to purposely move your game so more and more revenue comes from a smaller number of rich whales as opposed to a broader, loyal user base, although I am willing to admit that view is from a game balance perspective rather than a game business perspective.

So Ima, don’t feel guilt or anything for doing as is CCP’s plan and keeping your credit card in your wallet. For a few years now I have mostly covered my subscription with PLEX because, why not? My trading efforts netted me a good nest egg, and what is the point of keeping some meaningless number in a database when some credit card warrior is willing to pay my subscriptions in exchange for a small part of it? If and when that nest egg is depleted (and by selling my SP I can keep it going for a very long time even supporting my large Catalyst habit), I probably won’t subscribe again, at least not if things remain as they are. If I need ISK/PLEX, I will resume real trading and see if I still like it or find something else to do that earns ISK that entertains me, but I am not going to grind mindless content nor drop the credit card on what CCP has now intentionally made a free-to-play game.

If CCP wants Eve to be free-to-play and pay the bills by monetizing the incoming whales by taxing the selling of power to them they can have them and I’ll play the role of the seller of power and play for free as long as it interests me. That’s clear to me, but what is less obvious to me is how long such a game with such a blatant monetization model will be not just fun, but even viable? Someday the whales may stop coming and then who is going to pay all the subscriptions for people like me?

Meh, not my problem. It’s hard to see something you love neglected or mismanaged or even significantly changed, but it isn’t my game nor my call. So I say just play for free and try to enjoy what remains of the game as we ride into uncharted territories and hope that something interesting and sustainable comes out the other side, at least until you are no longer having fun. I am an optimist at heart, and hope that CCP gets to the promised land they are striving for, but if not we can raise a glass to what Eve once was and have years worth of arguments deconstructing what went wrong and who was responsible for killing one of the greatest games of all time.

But don’t feel that you owe CCP a subscription at this point. You don’t.


I agree with OP, that skill injectors killed the old EVE. Once and for all. Deal with that, it is not that game we all played before. So, as always, adapt and play that new game or die (aka stop playing).

Eve before skill extractors has had a personal goal. The feel, how you get better if you wait those pesky 2 weeks to unlock new ship / module … Now it is meaningless as game with personal goals (ANYTHING , literaly ANYTHING can be achieved via RL money, almost instantly), so you need to set other goals.

You can not feel yourself better, than those defensless newbies you liked to gank so easy because the newbie can be veterans alt, injected to the level, where he can fly titan after a week in the game. So all what is left for old CODE buddy is that feel, when you gank ships, that do not fight back. And this can become really boring. Cause you are no more elite just because of the time you spent in the game. You have to proove yourself worthy in real combat.

TLDR: If your game motivation was nice feeling of being better, than 90% of players around because you have more SP, you need better motivation. But I understand very well, how it hurts (me too, btw), that one lost the destiny, the milestones in his personal ebve adventure. Cause any milestone can be just jumped over with RL cash.

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Back in the good old days everybody filled in a timesheet and before project started, the project leader would tell you this project is going to take 200 hours and you look at the timesheets and when it got to 200 hours, you would know that the project was half way done.

CCP said that project will take them 5 years.