Shoot ‘n’ Scoot [0-FCK]
Ingame Channel: 0-FCK
Shoot ‘n’ Scoot is a Newbie focused corporation offering the infrastructure to support any manner of gameplay you choose to pursue - We give you the skills, ability and ships to get started in anything you could ever want to do in eve.
We have a group of very experienced players from PVP backgrounds, Industrial backgrounds, Trading and more, that are all willing and dedicated to helping newer players get into the game and have fun. We are here to serve YOU. We give you the ability to create YOUR story and make YOUR own destiny.
So what exactly do we offer?
All new members receive a set of skillbooks and starter ships to enable them to get a feel for the different aspects of eve - without having to worry about what skills to train, or what ship/fit to buy, we cover all that for you.
We have a Specialised Video Tutorial Series designed to help you out - these tutorials currently include basic things such as setting up your overview/windows, using the skill plan, making some good money with starting ships, learning to probe and more. We also take suggestions, so if you want to know how to do something, we’ll make a video about it for you!
Lots of experienced players willing to help and guide you by showing you how to do certain things, flying with you and answering any questions you might have.
We’re currently setup in a High Sec Island bordering one of the most active pvp zones in eve (Amarr FW Area). The Island is nice and safe to mine and do production in, but also allows you to very quick access (1 gate jump) to a rich, content filled PVP area to blow other people up!
We’re currently in Amarr FW, and allied with the top alliance in the militia, which means you have plenty of guidance and oppurtunities to do PVP, aswell as access to very lucrative FW missions which can net you anywhere from 100mil - 1Billion ISK an hour.
We have citadels setup for industry and have Athanor (moon mining citadels) ready to place down to allow you to mine high value ore in the safety of our home system.
Automated Corporation Services which automatically assign roles to you on Discord/Teamspeak 3
Fully setup Discord/Teamspeak 3 servers
So what do you expect of me?
That’s a very good question, and has a very simple answer!
- Have a pulse
- Ability to have fun and enjoy yourself
- Discord/Teamspeak
That’s it! We don’t have any strict requirements or demands of you other than to join, learn to play the game how you want to, and have a good laugh with us! - We accept both Alpha accounts and Omega accounts!
Just send in an application to corp and it’ll be accepted!
Search for “Shoot ‘n’ Scoot” and hit apply
Also, feel free to join and hang out in our public channel: 0-FCK
(We also give ISK rewards if you get others to join, which means lots of free ISK!)
Fly safe, we look forward to seeing you ingame!