[10.0.0 - version 52] GESI - Google Sheets ESI Add-On - Now an EVE Online Partner!

Still no news?

I been talking with them and things on my end should be resolved. So just waiting on them to actually review it now as before was mainly waiting on me to fix some things as it turns out.

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Hey, thank you for your work on such an awesome project. I know we are still waiting on the add-on to be verified by Google, but as I am just learning and am new to API stuff, I thought I would have a play and managed to use the older manual method. I managed to get all the way to logging in with my character, but unfortunately, I keep getting a json unexpected end of input error. I nearly got to the final hurdle. I wonder if the issue is that I am copying from old GESI.gs/endpoint.gs/funtion.gs files as they are 2 years old. If you could point me to more up to date ones if they exist that would be great. Alternatively, Iā€™ll wait untill Google approves the App.

Sorry if I am completely going about this in the wrong way but I am excited to get involved in this area.

Thanks again

You can get the latest .gs code from https://script.google.com/d/1KjnRVVFr2KiHH55sqBfHcZ-yXweJ7iv89V99ubaLy4A7B_YH8rB5u0s3/edit?usp=sharing.

The main things youā€™ll have to do is like replace ScriptApp.getScriptId() with your sheetā€™s scriptID, PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('CLIENT_ID') with your clientId, etc.

Wow thank you so much. Iā€™ll give it a try.

Unfortunately, I gave it a try but I think my skills are not yet up to the task. I did make some progress though.

I replaced the things you advised but got the following error:

{ā€œbodyā€:"{ā€œerrorā€:ā€œinvalid_clientā€,ā€œerror_descriptionā€:ā€œMissing or invalid client credentials.ā€}",ā€œcodeā€:401,ā€œpathā€:ā€œhttps://login.eveonline.com/v2/oauth/token",ā€œsheet_idā€:ā€œ1qYlvfULQxUT2GOFj-bkzJh2jBMbWfG1vHH3p8mM_ImIā€,"characterā€:null} (line 292, file ā€œGESIā€)

Iā€™m thinking:

Does line 76 need to be replaced with my character name?
Should I be amending lines 199 and 231 with my client id and secret id?

I wonder if you accept in game ISK as a reward for helping in my new endeavour? I managed to use the google chrome postman app to extract data from Eve Swagger and am playing around with the data but I have a lot to learn still and thought your GESI app is a marvelous thing :slight_smile:

Thanks again,


No that one is fine as MAIN_CHARACTER just ends up being the first char you auth.

Yes, of course. Will want to update any references of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to be your credentials. Iā€™d suggest defining a variable at the top, then reference that in the code.

Thanks again. Iā€™ll give it another go soon as im just letting my brain cool down for a bit :grinning:

Hi Blacksmoke

Amazing work Thank you.

I am bad at programming so I am not able to figure out the changes that need to be made to get this working again. Do you have any idea how long Google takes to review an app?

I had to resubmit it as I was originally missing some scopes. Probably a couple more weeks.

In the meantime, you can refer to

Steps I took to make this work:

  1. Copy all the files from https://script.google.com/d/1KjnRVVFr2KiHH55sqBfHcZ-yXweJ7iv89V99ubaLy4A7B_YH8rB5u0s3/edit?usp=sharing to your Google Sheets within script editor. Be sure to go to view => show manifest file and copy that too.
  2. Create application in https://developers.eveonline.com/
  3. Callback for the app should be : https://script.google.com/macros/d/YOUR_SCRIPT_EDITOR_CODE/usercallback
    3.1 Where YOUR_SCRIPT_EDITOR_ID would be the long string in the URL when youā€™re in the script editor. For example, 1KjnRVVFr2KiHH55sqBfHcZ-yXweJ7iv89V99ubaLy4A7B_YH8rB5u0s3 from the link above.
  4. Obtain Client ID and Secret Key
  5. Replace all PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('CLIENT_ID') and PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('CLIENT_SECRET') with the above values in gesi.gs
  6. Replace PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('BASE_URL') with https://esi.evetech.net/
  7. Authenticate via Add-ons menu.
  8. You are ready to use GESI within Google Sheets.

If you have any trouble feel free to join the Discord server and we can get it working.

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Thank you! I will try that tonight.


Should be good to go now.

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Indeed! :slight_smile:

Now that I was finally able to install GESI through the G Suite Marketplace I have a small doubt, though.

Iā€™m not sure if I missed something about it in the documentation or in a previous comment, but when I use a range of cells as input to e.g. universe_names, I get some incorrect outputs - although I suspect that, rather than being actually wrong, they are simply not aligned with the input values.

Is it the case that the order of the outputs is not guaranteed to match that of the queried values when an array is provided?

Hay Fist off thanks a lot for this it is so helpful and makes it possible for me to do the kind of industry I want to do!!
but I am now getting a error in my sheet that has been working fine for the last year.

when I use the formula:


I get ā€œ#ERROR!ā€

I have uploaded an image of the error.

can anyone help with this?

thanks, Ray

Use "v5" in the version argument. Thisā€™ll be fixed when I release the new GESI version this weekend. Until then that should do the trick.

I used:
and it works perfectly.


Hey, thanks for this. Iā€™m just starting out using it and Iā€™m wondering how often data will update for various industry function calls?

Is there somewhere I can see this?

There are two levels of caching involved. One on Googleā€™s end, another on ESIā€™s end. You wouldnā€™t get new data until both of them are cleared. A common way to handle Googleā€™s cache is adding a dummy parameter to the end of a GESI function call, to point to a cell in the sheet. Then when you change the value of this cell, it would invalidate Googleā€™s cache, and cause the function to refetch new data.

However, for ESIā€™s cache is time based, which youā€™ll just have to wait. E.x. characters_character_assets() as an hour long cache timer; meaning once you fetch data you wont get new data until an hour later. Or in other words, if you fetch your asset list, then move some items in game, ESI wonā€™t reflect those changes until an hour has passed.

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Howdy! Love the GESI, its a fantastic tool!
I am just wondering if there is currently a way to use the GESI to pull a list of the reprocessing a character has done with details like date/time, item reprocessed & yields