[10.0.0 - version 52] GESI - Google Sheets ESI Add-On - Now an EVE Online Partner!

FWIW the data is cached on both Google’s and ESI’s end. You can add another argument after all the GESI arguments that points to a cell. Then when you change that cell it’ll break Google’s cache, resulting in new data to be fetched (assuming ESI’s cache has expired as well).

Im added IF in all formulas which using GESI fetched data, like this (=IF(characters!$C$1=TRUE;A14;A14))
and now im just wait GESI load the data and clicking on C1 so it changing from true to false and back, and then all data calculated. But 2-3 weeks ago all was working without this trick.
Im repeat - GESI works fine, it’s google issue, i think they just change some formula calculation wait time.

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@Blacksmoke16 sorry to randomly post on the thread but would you be available at some point to answer a few questions in private that I have regarding a google spreadsheet I made? I’m trying to expand upon my idea but I’m not sure how to do what it is I’m wanting to do. So yeah, can I pick your brain? I’ll mail you in game as well, but wanted to ask when you might be available for a chat. Thanks!

Sure, best bet would be to message me on Discord. Blacksmoke16#0016.

8.4.0 aka version 37 March 30, 2021

ESI Updates

  • Various ESI version updates not yet currently listed on the changelog
    • See this commit for the full list of changes

This sounds amazing. Just read as far back as 2018 checking out the updates and features this allows. Here’s the thing, I just discovered computers really, sheets and tools. All that. How bad of a time will I have trying to figure this out. I’ve been using and screwing up computers since Windows 95 but last year tried and failed miserably at building these contraptions. How do I get this going. Download is where? And how do I get this rolling on excel or sheets. Add ons?

so ive been enjoying this alot getting things to work.

Our corp uses titles to grant roles and im unable to get the corporations assets with titles.

Is this possible or do i need the actual director roll?



Yes. That’s a requirement to fetch assets.

thanks ill work on something else to try and get it then

I mean to be clear, the only way you can use the corp assets function is by being a director. It’s not something you can “work around”. If what information you need is only available in the corp’s asset list then your CEO will need to make you a director, otherwise you’re just out of luck.

8.4.1 aka version 38 August 25, 2021


  • Better support for passing standard 1D arrays to GESI parameters expecting arrays when using them in custom functions

Is there some way to force the sheet to run when I’m not actively checking it every day? I’ve tried a couple things via scripts but even having a timer set to refesh things seems to result in a stuck “Loading…” error in the cells if im not accessing the page when it happens

I’d advise not doing this because you’re just going to be wasting requests for data you’re never going to see anyway. Just set things up to refresh when a specific cell is changed, then change it when you want to see new data.

However, keep in mind both Google and ESI cache the data and that technique would only handle cases where Google is caching it and NOT when ESI is caching the data.

Here’s a script you can attach to a couple cells to refresh static and dynamic data. Then attach the functions you want refreshed to the cells being changed by the script.

Just remember to create a space in your spreadsheet to have the cells in, maybe a seperate page called Utilities :wink:

function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
  ui.createMenu('Custom Tools')
      .addItem('Refresh All Data','refreshData')

// Function to refresh data

function refreshData() {
function refreshData1 () {

// Load sheet with variable
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Utility');
  var cell = sheet.getRange('Utility!B3');
  var cell2 = sheet.getRange('Utility!C3');
//Change Value To 0


function refreshData2(){

//Load sheet with variable

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Utility');
  var cell = sheet.getRange('Utility!B3');

//Time delay before changing back
//Set Value Back to 1

function refreshData3(){

//Load sheet with variable

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Utility');
  var cell2 = sheet.getRange('Utility!C3');

//Time delay before changing back
//Set Value Back to 1

8.5.0 aka version 39 September 15, 2021

ESI Updates

I’m excited to announce that GESI is now an official EVE Online Partner!

Because of this, I’m going to be starting a bug bounty program that will reward anyone reporting a valid bug with free skins. Bugs can be reported via GESI’s discord server, or by creating an issue on the GitHub repo.

However, because ideally there will be no bugs, I’m also going to be giving some out to those who are active/helpful within the GESI discord server as well as anyone contributing meaningful to GESI, as it is open source. Depending on how this goes, a random drawing may also be needed.

Shoutout to all of those who use GESI as this wouldn’t have been possible without you.


GESI disappeared from googleapps for some reason

See GESI is missing from Google Sheets Add-Ons · Issue #90 · Blacksmoke16/GESI · GitHub.

It’s back.