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Hi Sergeant Clanger

Glad to have you back in Eve. Your description about yourself sounds fair. In our corp (Thundercats) and alliance (The Initiative.) we also put real life before game life. And this is reminded once in a while to make sure, people don’t set their gaming priorities above what is really going on.

Said that, you won’t have to be concered about your priorities at all, when considering our corp as potential future forever place to be!

What we are looking for:

  • we as a corp and an alliance in the background are looking for PvP playres. Of course mining, industry, PvE and other gaming aspects are also welcome. But the core focus is on PvP
  • one of the pre-requisits of the alliance is, that pilots are skilled or skilling towards capitals (Dreads, Carriers, Faxes, Supers and Titans)
  • skilled FCs are always welcome, as we form alot smaller fleets to protect our SOV and/or to push pilots away, when e.g., gate camping here
  • we are also looking for pilots/players who are flying with fleets regularly (more about that in an interview). But as you’ve said, real life has priority one

What we don’t want:

  • corp hoppers. We are looking for players who stay in Thundercats. We have a very familiy like contact. We don’t put pressure on our members and are helping each other, when help or assistance is requested.
  • we don’t like drama. Be this between players or about an astroid belt or a combat site.

Out corp is one of the oldest within Init. Our members are playing almost since the beginning of EVE. There is a lot of knowhow around and we are more than happy to share it with new joiners as well as with any other player within the corp and alliance.

You can find more details about Thundercats in our posting here:

We would be happy to welcome you in our ingame recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’.

I am looking forward meeting you there.

Fly safe o7
