(Eric Tian)
August 26, 2024, 9:41pm
What I have:
110m SP
can fly golem/phenix/nid for farming
can fly Hecate, HACS (e.g. Sacrilege), some command ships for PVP
can use shields/armor/missiles/ most small/medium turrets.
will fund my own way and commit to selling/buying locally
willing to spend 1~2 hour/day (EST)
What I want:
*“relatively safe” null sec where i can shamelessly rat/farm/scan/mine to my poor peasant heart’s content in that 1 hour everyday
*get into some sub capital pvp but not obligated in doing so.
*get into making stuff and learning new tricks
*no drama please.
Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative
✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people
✪ PvP oriented corp with PVE opportunities.
✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.
✪ Multiple Corp Moons to mine with associated corp mining Ops.
✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services
✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s
✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help
What We Require-
✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)
✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old
✪ Omega Account
✪ 30,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement
✪ Full ESI on All Characters
✪ No Drama
✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.
If you want to know more Join us on Discord
Give us a look sir, I think we check your boxes.
Aurora. is an experienced PVP focused Nullsec corporation within the Initiative Alliance based currently in the Fountain region.
We offer CONTENT with a focus on PvP.
(Small Gang, Whaling, BLOPS Thievery, Big Fights + Capital Warfare ).
We can take your game to the next level if you want to get into PVP content. We welcome indybros and miners who also want to make the jump and be part of an active PvP community while still continuing your usual vibe.
If you already PvP you will feel right at…
Hay bud am looking for vets for my corp we live in detorid system if your looking for pvp we definitely have plenty of pew pew if you fancy a chat and find out more jump on our discord
Welcome to Cold Lazarus Inc,
Recruitment IS OPEN We are a corp with a simple objective: To create an environment in which like minded pilots can socialize, and fly together to achieve common and individual goals; while offering versatility to envelope all aspects of life in New Eden. We answer to no one Corp planned activites to include: Mining Raids into Null, Lo-Sec, PVE raids into Null, Lo-Sec, PVP…
August 27, 2024, 1:24am
Hi , Drama Llamas might be a option for you, we are a small corp living in 0.0 that treats EVE as a game. Check out our recruitment post here : or pop into our recruitment channel in game “Llama Skool” and have a chat to see if we would be a good fit for you.
Welcome back! Our space is relatively safe and in null. Want to get in touch?
First of all, let’s make something clear:
Keep it classy.
Real life comes first.
We take fun seriously!
We’re a small corporation living in Esoteria as part of Shadow Ultimatum and the Imperium. You’ll have access to all imperium space: Delve, Querious, Esoteria, and Paragon Soul. We understand that EVE does NOT come first. Your work, friends, and family always come first.
MONK. is ideal for returning players. We will get you up to speed and show you how the new changes and mechanics work.
o7 dude,
At WEF, we have the backing of NC and all of PANFAM to support your playstyle. We’re good bros with RL ■■■■ just like everybody else and enjoy getting sideways on our Friday drunk fleets that have been running for nearly 6 years. Come check us out!
War Eagle Fleet - Unlimited Null Life - NC. - Highly Active PvP-based Corp
August 28, 2024, 1:34am
Primal Instinct is a great tight-knit group in a fantastic alliance. Check us out: Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init]
We are a small tightnit, Npc null based corp located in stain under SLOW1, join our discord and have a chat to see if we are a fit for you.
November 30, 2024, 1:41pm
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