We are starting a brand new HS Corp. focused on building a tight group that can fly a variety of different roles… While we build that group we will focus on harvesting WH resources flying 2 or 3 nights a week USTZ in corp provided ships for a wage. Corp buy back on most everything you harvest on your own time discounts on in house builds. We are looking for miners (gas is key) scanners and combat pilots.
The rest of the week we do w/e. casual play no fleets are required. I want you to log in cause you are excited to do something… If Your interested drop by our in game chat PR-UN. hope to hear from you
Fly safe
We have a WH and a bunch of nerds who “print isk” and if you want to learn how to PVP in null (blops and small gang, alliance ops) that’s what we do best. Pop in and have a chat.