Did he transfer the money
Yes he did
Did he pay?If not I need this account
Yes he paid and I’m now stinking rich. Lost my brother but oh well.
It’s weird I can still access the character I just transferred? Does it take some time to register
i have not received the character yet. it takes 10 hours from the time you initiated the transfer to the time when it actually get taken out of your account and into mine. if you started the transfer 10 hours ago and i have not received it, something went wrong. please look into it. thanks!
I made an error transferring it last night but have now set up the transfer again. It will be 10 hours from now. Sorry about that.
@ImmI If you transferred the character, you would have paid 20 dollars? Are you saying you have now paid 40 because you are transferring again?
It was £17 yes I thought I had paid yesterday but hadn’t. Can confirm that it is paid now and the transfer is underway from 16:50 transfer should be complete 02:50 today.
Can you confirm that you have got the character? If I were you I would locate the science lvl 4 agents as they have bucket loads of goodies that I failed to collect before selling.
Lol it was not me.
I was just curious if you had to pay twice.
Oh well. Wish I’d held out for more as maxi was a pretty unique science and Industry pilot… It took dedication and self control to train mining 5 instead of gunnery 5