137M SP Amarr Titan/Dread and Rorq Pilot


Well Known Coalition FC
Very skilled all-round Pilot
Positive Wallet
NPC Corp
Currently at Jita 4-4
Good Killboard

80 Bill starting Bid
B/O = make me an offer


Thank you for the offer! duly noted

105 billions buyout offer

110 you got a deal dude

110b is too high, but i’m welling to meet you halfway at 107.5 bil

108? round it up for me <3

fine… 108b agreed. should i send isk now?

Yes please

isk and account info sent. let me know when you started the transfer process… thanks!

will be done asap

Transfer Started, Forgot to mention the account has a few bills worth of assets coming into asset safety but will be about 19 days.

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