Hey, I represent Mecha Enterprises Fleet, the high skillpoint corp in the Federation Uprising alliance, which is a PVP based alliance that is in the Gallente Militia as well as owns Nullsec Sovereignty, we have a fun, casual atmosphere and our activity, well just look up our killboard. We don’t care at all about killboard stats and could care less what fits you solo PVP in, as long as you have fun. Having Nullsec sovereignty gives us access to nullsec space to rat in, and being in Gallente Militia gives us access to level four Faction Warfare missions, which make more than Supercarrier ratting in terms of ISK/hr, so you won’t ever worry about having to find a way to make money. We have no activity requirements because we know real life always comes first, we do ask that if you online during a CTA that you show up in fleet. Check us out to see if we might be a good home for you: [XMETA] Mecha Enterprises Fleet PVP Corp Low Sec and Null SEC Recruiting!