We’re still recruiting, come and turn big rocks into ISK!
Hi everyone, we are still recruiting. Looking for players who want to turn moon chunks into ISK, and PVE rats into dust.
Been a while since I posted… You know, work trips and holidays and such. But recruitment is as always, still open! We continue to grow nicely and look forward to seeing more new faces join us!
Sent you a message in-game
Hello people, we have a new face on this board , if you are interested in joining hop on to our public chat and hit up one of our great recruiters, or send me a mail if you are interested
Hello, my main goal is to one day plex my account for omega clone status. Interested in mining/hauling. I am interested in joining.
Hi, searching knowledge and game expierience, wanting to join
Ofc you can, sorry for the late reply , just hop into our public chat and i’ll have a talk to you guys
Still recruiting , hop into our public channel 2D2M Public for a chat !
Hi, new player (just finished career path tutorials) looking to learn industry/mining/PvE etc. wanting to join but not sure how to reach out.
Hey , i will send you an in-game mail with a link to our public channel , you can come and hang out there untill one of our recruiters comes online and has a small “interview” with you !
Still recruiting , come in and say hi
Corp is still open for recruiting come in to our public channel for a chat
Stll recruiting , drop in the pub chat and say hi !
We’re still here , got a nice project for a new corp athanor to participate in !
Still recruiting , come and say hello
Hi everyone, still open to new players. Almost 200 strong now! Come help tip us over the edge.
We are still recruiting , come on over and say hi !
Hey everyone! We’re still expanding and welcoming new members almost daily!
We’re also recently added to our portfolio our shenanigans fleet of doing dumb things, appropriately named ‘The Worst Fleet’. Come have some fun, make some ISK, make new friends, and maybe lose some of it to a dumb mistake.
Hi everyone! Still actively recruiting and expanding our horizons in-game. Come see what all the fuss is about!