(Ragnar STS)
January 21, 2018, 1:36pm
There are a handful of fun sites that use the API to give us amazing statistics to drool over each year ( https://spreadsheetsin.space/year-in-review/# ).
Last year none of them worked until about a week after I poked the forums sometime around March. Hoping we don’t need to wait that long this time.
If this is something CCP needs to help enable for this past year, consider this the friendly request to do so.
If this is on the API using webserver side…well if you are reading this please update your thingy to show 2017 stats.
May Bob give you the drop.
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The annual stats are still not updated
2017 ended 3.5 months ago …
But none of the annual stats sites work.
So they have to be updated manually by their developers? Kinda weird that they autmatically create a 2017 year, but dont automatically get the data for it.
The developers need to update their apps to use the new API.
Damn, the guy with the best annual stats site has stopped playing EVE.
EDIT: Sent EVE mails to all 3 developers.
It seems like they all have stopped playing because they do not respond to in game mails.
You can get the data by using [5.2.1] GESI - Google Sheets ESI Library - Now with better corp management features!
However, it won’t have the pretty icons or aggregate stuff, just the raw data.
Also there is an open issue about some of the stats for 2017, https://github.com/ccpgames/esi-issues/issues/729
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July 8, 2018, 5:30pm
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