2018/07/17 - Connectivity & Server Issues

Where is my free stuff from the last 12 times they had this problem !

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That king does love to throw feasts at really inconvenient times… especially when your Marshall

Breaking news: Cynojammer onlined in the Server system, near 25k pilots stand down and got to enjoy a beautiful day.


so we should expect the SP gifts when EVE will be bought by a company that has real programmers :slight_smile:

Eve is down and I can’t get a full page load at Twitch either.

Just push everything in str n power strike n maul your way to kinghood, won’t be needin pesky lancers :v

Hamsters down, Hamsters down, quick bring in the emergency Gerbil

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I was marshall and had the whole host about to lay siege at Reyvadin and they all ran off to the feast at Praven… :frowning:

Except in the EULA/ToS you’ll find the equivalent of “online access not guaranteed”. As all mmos put in their EULA/ToS to get around such rules. It’s why online games need to start being regulated like other products and services.

no real programmer wants to burn his hands on the eve online code, it must be 1 big mess


One char is ingame, smooth as it can be! Other char can’t log in :smiley:

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Love the alpha salt :slight_smile:
Maybe now they go back to wow and plex comes finally down to the ol’300 mil :smiley:


Try playing on normal difficulty though (basically hardmode)

I got knocked off my horse in full plate armor when a farmer threw a rock at me

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:frowning: EVE ONLINE… Why? Error! There was an error while validating your account. Please try again.
It’s not working… 20 times refresh

Why is the server status tweet 2nd from top on the list on twitter after thier release tweet jul 10th .

update roles out. eve is in worse shape then before.
I am surprised…not

Then if we should expect the compensations when issues will be fixed, that means never.

still offline…

CCP is giving CO2 time to prepare.