Something terrible happened.
14:34 update: EVE is online and accepting connections. Fill in the support tickets for lost marauders and stuff.
Something terrible happened.
14:34 update: EVE is online and accepting connections. Fill in the support tickets for lost marauders and stuff.
I wonder what’s going to happen to my
Golem surrounded by 20 rogue drones.
Just got disconnected and can´t log back in. Service unavaiable
I don’t remember such server shutdowns
Eve is dead, boys. Pack it in, we’re going home.
I seem to be in the same boat. “Local server shut down” Might be region/server specific?
On an ironic note. Most of the forum regulars never noticed.
Mr Epeen
Everywhere the same, global
Is the great reset. See you all in jita to buy the first drake
Thanks again towards the incapable developers
I was brushing my hair and trying on a new vest and boots then connection failed
i feel a great disturbance in the force as if millions of voices suddenly got quiet
Заебись, внатуре чётко.
Only marketing and artist working hard here
Nooooo my day off!
And no I’m not going out
Пацаны вобще ребята. Молодцы. Умеете. Могёте!
Ура, можно пожить в реальной жизни)
I thought my internet connection was out but with that strange error, hehe.
CCPlz, gib free skill points to those who were logged in at that time as compensation.
So hard to work on a game with only 25k active players rather than 150k for server 1 and additional 150k for server 2… man oh man what a hard job