Eve Down Again

So Eve crashed suddenly, no warning

The alert in the forum:

Hey guys,
We’ve had to take Tranquility down for a short unscheduled reboot due to a database issue.
This one’s unrelated to the chat system issues that were occuring yesterday, but we’re in need of a reboot due to game database issues.
Apologies for the inconvenience, we hope to be back online soon.
As always, keep an eye on @EVE_Status for up to date details on the state of Tranquility.

CCP is still currently working out the issues that are going on. As Kevin pointed out above, there is also a notice when you come to the forums on the very top of the page. You can see up to date status by checking the twitter @EVE_Status.

In the mean time, I will go ahead and close this and ask to move the discussion related to this to CCP Falcons thread instead of creating new threads.

Thank you! :slight_smile: