2018/07/17 - Connectivity & Server Issues

One of these days we’re going to find out that these recent issues were nothing more than the birthing pains of the first functional and sentient AI, formed by the unholy trinity of the hamsters, the hardware and the cumulative social psychology of new eden’s human inhabitants.

What could possibly go wrong, right? :slight_smile:


Holy hell, the one time I’ve been docked on all characters while at the keyboard in several days. That was the best timing.

Awesome, got time for a store-run and maybe even food.

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Just started :smiley:

error on launcher - Encountered an error while refreshing token for (username)

This is what happens when CCP tries to get rid of all the bots in EVE…

https://zkillboard.com/kill/71303025/ Can I haz a refund plzzzz

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I, for one, welcome the coming of our cyberhamster overlords.

See Im getting something that says error validating your account, not the token.

Kill the bots !!

25,000 player is all you got lol

@CCP_Falcon One does easily get a feeling you are the only active employee in CCP office right now…

Forward to the office - if possible - that leaving the game in such a terrible condition for good using “its summer excuse” is a strange way of doing business.

Sure, eve will still retain some nerds who are just stuck to it for years. But, any new player facing all the issues eve servers experienced in last two years, won’t even think about spending a single euro on anything like it.

Very frustrating

P.s. Nothing personal, you are just the first - basically the only? - line of ccp’s office defence.


https://zkillboard.com/kill/71302961/ Ouch

holy ■■■■ RIP [*]

i was in the middle of an abyssal site … guess im dead now



CCP SRP link will be provided after Server comes back up,

STOP WHINING…CCP will reimurse your stuff…damn idiots

Well I guess I have to go do actually work now…Thanks a lot

True, but is nice to see what the ppl use :wink:

Everybody stop trying to log in, like that I can log in!
Yall are crashing the token service .

and stop complaining, ■■■■ happens