2018/07/24 - Login Issues

Ох уж эти технические проблемы по вторникам - похоже что скоро они станут доброй традицией :slight_smile:

Fail :joy::joy:


■■■■ sakes every week now stop just stop changing game fix what got I want game time keeps this ■■■■ up

Как назло, на острове нет календаря, Ребетня и взрослые пропадают зря. Ребетня и взрослые пропадают зря, На проклятом острове нет календаря.


Project Discovery has fallen apart after creaking for a few weeks too…

Speed has been unreliable for a few weeks, now it’s dead :’(

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yes, at this rate, Skynet will never become self aware

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There’s already something in the launcher MOTD.

If you’re not seeing it, clear your cache.

First step to running a web based game, make sure the players can log in? This is hard because? every week now some new issue, many new games com
ing wonder if they will actually let their players log in? Novel idea Huh?

Look I know Hilmar likes to throw money at random project like Gucci Mane in a strip club but can we maybe have a well working game? Hilmar back away from the special project button and instead hit the fix EVE button.


Up until this point I was defending CCP against the players that were hating and demanding compensation over these issues but now I totally understand their point of view.
Yes, most of us have no idea how game development or server maitnance works but we shouldnt have to. We are simply paying for a service and up to this point I wonder how many hours/days of my month sub has been wasted from these issues.
Times that by 2 for my alt account.


sometimes peoples just need to troll right? :rofl:

We all know what the problem is…

The chat system…
the GD Amazon Cloud Server and its use which in my opinion has allowed more interference from possible DDOS attacks.

Amazon needs to get told to get REKT despite being an investor and told their ■■■■ dont work for EvE and revert the reliance on their Cloud server for things back to how it was.


In the meantime we get a new Tengu skin. Priorities!


old server was way worst

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But … got to package stuff up nicely so people are happy and we can finally retire …

Oh look, TQ is broken again. That SP refund must be racking up some good numbers now eh

for a second I thought my internet was having no connectivity, so now I now it ain’t

Eve dropped out top 10 games under reviews mostly said reason out top 10 is cause don’t lep players play spend more time down or try add stuff don’t need game. I totally agree that assesmeant