20B ISK Loan

Hello I am looking for a 20B ISK Loan

Loam Amount: 20B
Collaterall: I can put 10B isk down as a down payment through large skill injectors. Can verify
Interest: Percentage does not matter
Loan Length 1-2 Months

Since collateral amount is low as a down payment I am fine with interest rate being 10%
Interest rate can be discussed further if concerned about repayment as this is my first loan

If you have any questions or concerns, please message me via in game or through this post. Thank you!


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Dear @Selenia_Attor ,

I would be happy to offer you a fully secured loan (i.e., for an amount of approximately 10 B if that is the value of your collateral).

Take a look at Collateralized Loans Available if you are interested, and feel free to send me an in-game mail to discuss the details.

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And so all this time Frosty must had been loaning Princess Aiko isk with zero collateral.


/to make sure that we are serious regarding any future loans that our Princess of Highsec may or may not personally request such future loan, frosty had secured extra funds just in case.

//CCP loans out isk all the time

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Hate to break it to you, but its not a loan.

Wat ya tink it a lown dat on de dwnlw pilot

It a lown 4 extra fine grade entertainment 4sure

We received another loan just the other day.

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