Born on 2008. Been in just a few Corps.
Char is in high sec
Pos ISK balance
no kill rights
Crystal pod / training pod.
Reserve : 165 bil.
Buyout : 185 bil.
For sale
Born on 2008. Been in just a few Corps.
Char is in high sec
Pos ISK balance
no kill rights
Crystal pod / training pod.
Reserve : 165 bil.
Buyout : 185 bil.
For sale
150b offer
c/o. still here
165B offer
Once res is met 12 hours to sale.
check my current offer
res met — 12 hours from now (maybe a little more because I work for a living) the offer will be accepted and finalized :).
let me know when we can start
price accepted, should be home by 4pm PST, going to work now :). Its yours though.
should we start now?
I am home, ready to receive isk.
ISK sent but cannot send in game mail for some reason, check the 2nd 1 isk transfer message for target account to tranfer
Transfer has been completed based on information given in isk transaction, thanks!
char received.
Njoy :). o7 (CLOSED)
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