21m sp USTZ looking for pvp/pve wh corp

Returning player, been gone since 2015, been back a monthish. Looking for pvp / pve indy stuff. Been spending lots of time in wormholes and lowsec since i have been back, so interested in either, wh > ls. I have 2 accounts and 3 chars.

USTZ 00:00 - 05:00 weekdays, all day weekends.

Have previous small gang roam fc experience.

Discord: skips420.

Hello buddy,

Check out Holy Hunters :

pretty sure a c5 isnt for me at this point. I dont have the hardware… thanks though.

Howdy, we are Threat Contained! Made up of bitter vets and Dust514 Mercs currently living in Fountain part of the Initiates with the intent of joining the Initiative.

We are looking for returning vets and new bros looking for the opportunity to PVP and reestablish themselves in the game in an laid back environment. Our alliance offers plenty of opportunities to PVP, rat, plex, and build sh*t to your hearts content.

If interested reply here join “THRT Recruiting” in game.

Hi Stardawgg,

We’re a new wormhole corp doing our first recruitment push. We live in a C4 with C1/C3 static connections giving us access to a variety of jspace content. Definitely plenty of opportunities for pvp, pve and indy. Feel free to check out our posting below and let me know if you have any questions.

Still looking

Hey Friend. We can offer you pvp/pve and industry. And we are willing to help you along while you get your Eve legs back under you:

Boondocks Industrial: Bringing Business to the Boondocks!!

Our business plan is to Encourage and Inspire Business Opportunities in the many systems that lie at the end of the gravel roads of New Eden. Far from the noise and traffic of the Trade hubs. Where you wave at your neighbors as you pass, sit on your front porch, drink your coffee, read your paper and enjoy the fresh air. All without having to worry about 'bots mining your ore, or gankers knocking on your doors.

Boondocks Industrial is now hiring. We are looking for Mature Entrepreneurs with a background in Trade, Mining and Industry. Creativity, Inventiveness and the ability to think outside of the box. You must be willing to live and work in NPC Null. No experience necessary, we will train the right candidates. PvP experience is a plus, but not required. We will train you if you are interested. You will be required to participate in Alliance and Coalition fleets. We will train you. This is a great opportunity to live and work in a relative stable area of Null-Sec space without the SOV politics. Plenty of business opportunities for the cleaver thinker. For more information contact Umathyor Chelien or Abraham Solis. Or drop into I-BLU Public and ask for Uncle Uma. Bring your own calculator and coffee cup. We Love SpreadSheets!

Boondocks Industrial is part of the I-BLU Alliance and a member of the Syndicate Coalition

Welcome back Capsuleer o7

Noir. is a mercenary corporation that is looking to add more members to the mix. While we do have a wormhole corp in our alliance, which could be a great fit if you specifically want wormholes, our main corp and alliance are mercenaries and Faction Warfare pilots.

We do have an academy program available to brush up your skills, get back into the comfort zone of the game, and we have the perfect environment to do so in faction warfare, where PVP is literally at your fingertips 24/7. it is HOT right now in faction warfare.
As a smallgang FC there is ample opportunity. Not only our corp members, who do smallgang fleets literally every day, the wider militia is always looking for smallgang FCs to host offensive roaming squads or defensive fleets. You are just a discord ping away from FCing in our alliance.
With 1.5T isk destroyed in 2023, spread over 13k killmails we can truly say we are very active in PVP as a corp.

Our daily content driver is FW PVP where we fight for the gallente militia. Our alliance, The Network, is one of the major players of the GalMil community.
Our bread and butter though is mercenary work. We fight the underdog fight, taking payed contracts to do what needs to be done, be it difficult, dirty, sneaky, or any combination thereof. It is the ultimate culmination of the sandbox effect where we achieve actual player set goals who reached out to us and were willing to drop the cash to make it happen.

As a line member, I’d call Noir. an extremely tight knit community. Pilots know eachother well. We hang out on comms, we laugh, we joke. We have strong friendship bonds that make this game fun to play!

Our FC team is top knotch, our theorycrafters pull wizardry out of a hat to amend doctrines to the task at hand, and we work together as a giant cohesive unit to drop in deep behind enemy lines, dive in the darkest regions of WH space, or show up to defend against unlikely odds, but we come out on top and claim our hard earned isks.

There is no blue donut, you will not be a number in the mass. Noir provides a very rich smallgang PVP platform with daily fleets, exciting and unique content drivers to keep things fresh and a very mature group of friends who hang out to play this awesome videogame. (some of us for many decades)

If any of this sounds awesome, drop by our discord and come say hi. We’d love to have a chat with you and see if we can be a good match :slight_smile:

hey buddy

first of all welcome back
i hope is is not to overwelming for you ad the moment

also i woot like you to meet our corpi’s
so that we can help you in evry way possible

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