24.4m Industrial/Logi pilot
- Positive Wallet
- Positive Sec Status (1.0)
- Located in High Sec Jita 4-4
- No Kill Rights
- No Assets
- Implants: Zainou “Beancounter” Reprocessing, & Highwall Mining Implants)
- In NPC Corp (even though it says I am in a Corp, I’m not)
- I will pay the transfer fee
- All CCP rules apply
Price: 18b
Buyout Bid is 20b
I can instantly buy for 10B
Bid of 18 is accepted, Please send Isk and once received I will start transfer
Sending now, please transfer to my alt character account (Accountinfo Removed by ISD Traindriver)
Confirming Isk Sent, and begining transfer.
Do you have another account?
Accountinformations removed by ISD Traindriver
Transfer started
Please confirm once received so I can close the thread.
Post edited, please do not post Account Informations in here.
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