27M (Tengu, Sabre, close to Vargur)

@Niclas_Fullkrug I’m ready to sell it to you for 26B

25B offer. i think People who don’t keep their word aren’t worth working with.

isk is ready ,can transfer now

ok go

@Pluto0o I accept you offer for 25B

i transfer isk to which character?


isk transferd

Isk received. Send me account name with eve mail and I’ll start character transfer.

mail sent to u

Unfortunately CCP cannot accept my payment due to external restrictions. Sorry mate, isks returned to you.

@ISD_Traindriver close the topic please, looks like first I’ll have to figure out how to pay for a transfer from where I am

maybe u can try to find a friend to pay that

I tried without success

u from china?

No, from RU

You can try paypal payment or find another way if possible, my offer is continuously valid!

Thank you, but it looks like it banned not on payment method but on country residence for acc owner.

Simple say - I even can’t get a payment selection window

try VPN?