3rd party Idea for EVE - Twitch Drops

Twitch Drops is a way to reward players for watching “EVE Online” streams on Twitch . tv

This program enables you to grant in-game items or “Drops” to your gaming community natively within the Twitch viewing experience. Powered by the Viewer Heartbeat Service and Twitch Identity, we report game viewing activity to you, enabling you to reward your viewers and broadcasters. As the game developer, Drops allows you to tailor the viewing experience to the needs of the players and economy of your game.

Dev Drops Sign up page - more info and sign up available here.

You can control which channels are enabled for drops, get to see viewer stats, get Twitch ID to Game ID connections and alot more.

I strongly believe if done correctly this can be very handy for the upcoming Alliance Tournament, future fanfests and special player driven events like the recent eveathon.


Seconding this. It would be great for community engagement for events like the AT and o7 show.