5.2Mill SP Character - SOLD

[WTS] 5.2Mill SP Character Commander Ashley


Positive Wallet
Positive Sec Status
No Kill Rights
Character in Jita

I pay for the transfer fee with plex

All rules apply.

Opening: 5.2bill
Buyout: 6.5bill

On payment pay to Commander Ashley in-game character pls

in regards to corp characters being sold must drop to NPC corp at time of sale everything else looks fine regarding the rules :slight_smile:


Gentle Bump

Bump Again

Bump again

Last Bump

I’ll give you 4.5b for the character

Raise your offer to 4,9b and we have a deal

is this still for sale

yes…still for sale

mail sent in game, offer raised to 4.7b b/o

HilsterAUS - Offer accepted. Please deposit isk to Commander Ashley in game


ISK transferred, mail sent with account details for character


ISK Received and Support Request #826265 opened for transfer

Thanks HilsterAUS

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