5 pirates in hi sec

Maybe CCP can just turn carebear’s computers off via the launch if there is anything amiss in the player’s system.


I cant really think of an argument against that, really.

Why does FacNav ignore them? Surely theyd offer us Capsuleers opportunities to do their dirty work for them as usual?

And why are the bounties and salvage so wick?

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Well, obviously CCP implemented it half finished, right?


Also why does enemy NPC Factions have Mining Fleets active in same Asteroid belt? During the S.P.A.C.E. event I went to complete the Mining tasks and saw Thukker Mining Fleets right next to both Sansha and Guristas.

I guess they were having their own competition lol.

But again, cant fault the logic. Half finished and abandoned. Couldve worked nicely with Resource “Wars” and FW too but I guess CCP got bored as usual.

Still, new hats or something.

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Possibly, the Guristas was there because of FOB. While I was sitting there in my Prospect Frigate wondering why 3 different Mining Fleets that are enemies were happily mining next to each other, the Guristas fleet started warping out while their Attack Response Fleet warped in and targeted me. Naturally I was surprised and quickly warped away.

What I thought was strange is I didn’t even attack any of the ships yet an Attack Response Fleet spawned. I just figured it was due to them being governed by the AI standings mechanic. And if that was the case then those 3 different Mining Fleets shouldn’t have been all together in the same belt mining.

So yeah, unfinished content quickly implemented.


In regards to NPCs fighting each other this should happen more often.

Infact, does it happen at all? I could say its to avoid exploits, but that seems a less likely reason than just not being bothered programming it.

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Well, it happened once …


Here’s another write up about it, this one relates a different outcome and turn of events.


you dont have to be afk, i was warp scrammed in my macknaw shortly after landing in a belt after their release and upon having my drones 1 shot nothing i could do but sit there and watch them pick the barge apart.


you dont have to warp to belt occupied by FOB miners/roaming fleet. In a home system you should also never “warp to 0” on belt but use a warp-in bookmark that will allow to choose and warp to the tastiest rocks. That same warp-in bookmark will help to rewarp between rocks instead of slowboating.

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yeah well at the time FOB was brand new, just after release. CCP doesnt like tell you things like “hey check this in your overview to see out new npcs” and previously there wasnt a way to go “by the way theres a fob” in any great detail like now.

aswell as the roaming rats have been used by bumpers to kill freighters orther bumped ships to great effect.

I had been mining in the belt, dropped of the ore and upon reaching position again 5 rats warped in that wasnt on overview, upon landing i was imminently locked and warp scrammed.

CCP also says the roaming ships dont warp scram but there was nothing else there, and they kill ALOT of ships.

Also i dont have a home system due to the leader of the channel at the time every day chooses to have a mining op in a different empire space about 20 jumps away and wonders why no one comes.

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Doesn’t have to be at 0km range. I warped in to 100km range and the Guristas Mining Fleet started warping out while an Attack Response Fleet warped in.

I disagree. Would you prefer new players to write a dissertation on EVE Online before they actually start playing, as well? Do you have any idea how long it takes a high sec player to learn to use dscan properly? Let me tell you: Never. Does it make sense to ask players to read pages upon pages of Uniwiki entries before they have actually even decided they like the game or not?

I am sorry, but your collective attitude is just not very intelligent when it comes to truly introducing the game to new players.

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You really think new players are idiots, and your strawmanning just proves that you have actually nothing but empty objections without substance.

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This thread is great.


Ah yes, substance. Where, exactly, is yours?

Im not the one calling New Players incapable when the evidence is we were all new players once, so your nonsense about not learning how to operate D-Scan is clearly hokum.

My substance is every one of us here who is playing.

Apart from negativity, what DO you have to bring to this conversation?


I have presented a concrete suggestion to solve the problem in the original post. The problem was not a player losing an Orca to NPCs. It was something else, something you seem to be missing. And you seem to be missing it because of how readily dismissive you are of my point of view.

I may actually be the only one that is contributing something positive in this thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

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How positive of you. This kind of attitude is far more detrimental to retention than any perceived complication on your part about controls.

You think attitudes are the problem? Correct your own before criticising others.

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Let me guess

“No, you”?

I do not see anything wrong with my attitude in that post.