56M SP Returning UKTZ Based pilot

Hey, I wonder if Tainted Dragons would be of interest to you. We know what it’s like to have commitments outside of EVE - we all work, have kids/wives etc and very much stick to a real-life comes first policy.

That being said, we live out in Genesis (so near to your current base) and are fairly active across UK/US timezones. We expect our members to help us defend territory and structures when necessary but otherwise, we promote people doing what they enjoy.

For example, there’s a lot of industrial infrastructure in place but I hate mining so I krab wormholes mainly either solo or get a fleet going. I’ll occasionally mine if there’s a fleet going because I can at least have a bit of a laugh on comms…

In terms of PVP we offer a lot of opportunities). Small gang, alliance size gang, capital fleets, cruiser fleets. A number of our current members were PVP averse until they dipped the toes into some of these areas and now they can’t get enough.

Check us out, we might be a good fit and I hope to talk more soon!