Hello there, I’ve just reactivated the account after 8/9 years break, I’m looking for an active corp to get back on the game, living in 0.0/WH, pvp focused and not involved in Sov warfare, because if I remember correctly that was the most boring ■■■■ in the game.
Spudden Impact is a corporation of old friends who like to fly with each other. We are a tight-knit group of people that are mature and relaxed. Real-life will always come first and so we don’t have any CTA’s. If you online and want to shoot people then that’s what we do. If you looking for good people to group up with and have fun then that’s what we stand for. We have a no-drama policy in corp and this is simply enforced by making everyone feel welcomed. Politics, Racism, Religion and Homophobia is not welcomed. This is a game where we try and get away from all the outside world rubish and allow people to fully enjoy their time online and in-game.
With us being in a fantastic space for hunting we can find PVP content every day. We live in a low sec entry point and have 2 other low sec pipes within 4 jumps of us and 2 Null sec entry points within 3 & 7 jumps of us. We will, of course, be doing WH chains to get extra content so if this is your style of play then come help us hunt.
We hate big fleets and so our max size will be 15 but we really prefer 10. <10 is something we like to achieve and allows people to feel like they a part of something rather than just a number in a fleet. If you want to F1 Monkey then we are not for you. We are looking for smart and intelligent players who can learn and apply what they learn in practice and teach others. We encourage solo PVP because having 10 solo minded people working as a unit together can achieve a lot more than an FC and 9x F1 monkeys.
We have no blues. We like it this way because it means we get more content.
We like to gank miners and mission runners for profit or simply for fun when bored.
Tight-knit friendly community
Solo to Small-sized fleets with a variety of PvP styles
FAYN Industries is currently recruiting. We are an industrial based corporation who does a little bit of everything. We offer secure Null security systems with massive earning potential. We offer the following programs and services: Corp buyback program for Ore, extensive null sec moon mining, Boosted mining operations, Great PVE and PVP content, and SRP for fleets. To talk with one of our recruiters, please join FAYN.Recruits in game channel or evemail Brutor Bellum (US) or martyn Sharisa (EU)
Come make your billions with us.
Hello there Apoc, welcome back to New Eden! Any interest in checking out life in Pochven?
It’s a bit of a grind to get started but once you do you have unparalleled access across a huge swath of K-space, a great staging location for ESS heists and daily small-gang PvP opportunities.
Stribog Kybernaut Subclade offers players the opportunity to live in Pochven, the newest null-security region in New Eden with access to unique gameplay and mechanics found nowhere else in the game.
What we offer:
ム Industry - enjoy null-sec level bonuses to refining, manufacturing, research and planetary production only a few jumps from Jita
ム Logistics - transport goods into and out of Pochven with easy connections to Empire space
ム Mining - mine r64 moons and the richest ores in the game found only in this single region of space
ム PvE - battle Drifters, Rogue Drones, and EDENCOM for rewards from the Triglavian Collective
ム PvP - engage in small-gang warfare, ESS heists, and daily roams with friendly and active pilots
Stribog is recruiting new capsuleers and corporations of all skill levels and vocations. From moon-mining to small gang PvP, our alliance caters to players on any career path.
If you are interested in joining, apply in-game to Stribog Proving [SKS3P] and authenticate on our Discord Server.
Yamagata Syndicate want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of pilots to help bolster our place in Eve.
We are looking for people who will fit in to our corporation and form new friendships. We have a fairly relaxed and mature player base. We expect members to show respect to their fellow corporation and allied pilots, and have a general good attitude towards the eve community as a whole.
We are a PvP focused corporation which operates as a tight knit tactical combat group. Using our in-house doctrines we aim to enable our members to increase their combat capabilities whilst also providing a fun environment to play in.
We expect applicants to show similar ambitions.
We are a member of Shadow Cartel alliance based in Essence region.
We take the view that PvP can take place anywhere so place no limits on where we find content. With our extensive WH system and recon group we are able to find rich content areas throughout Eve including low sec, null sec and WH space.
Small to medium fleets generally are just more rewarding. You become an integral part of your fleet and actually play a part in its success to a much larger degree. This provides a greater thrill and sense of achievement.
Mandatory fleets bashing citadels or waiting on timers ending in blueballs. Blob fleets with tidi where pilots are just F1 pushers. Being part of the blue donut where 50% of the map is blue.
Experienced and stable leadership
Tight-knit friendly community
Small to medium sized fleets with a variety of PvP styles
Great corp and alliance FCs
Experienced and helpful combat pilots
No drama
Frequent PvP fleets
A community focused on teamwork
Alliance and Corp Ship Replacement Program
Corp fleets including nano roams, wormhole hunting, blops and sniper camps
Great logistics to help you get what you want where you need it