Looking to find a good pvp focused group.
Have 3 main charachters at 115, 105 and 61 mil sp. Only one can use caps and not partucilary well.
Played eve from 2005-2011, was in a pretty good pvp group at the time (Tri Mk 1). Then took a loooong break until very recently. Trying to relearn my pvp skills (mostly solo) since then.
I have a mic. EU TZ.
Feel free to eve mail me ingame
Hello, have a look here. I will evemail you as well.
Spudden Impact moved into Gallente FW (Faction Warfare) under The Potato Alliance . We are a tight-knit group of people that are mature and relaxed with a very simple goal and that is to have fun together when online. We specialise in sub-caps but do use capitals when required. Real-life will always come first and we do not have any CTA’s because of this. We will help with Ihub defensive fleets when online and on our Corp and Alliance structures if they are being attacked (We don’t have any at th…
We have that. Combat everyday, small gangs or in FIRE coalition. Were growing and adding systems every month. We also build about 500 hacs a week so ship supply is easy.
Covert Agenda - We are Bloodthirsty Black ops dropping Industrialists Looking for pilots to join our ranks!
If your returning to the game and want to join a group of folks who also desire mature leadership check us out. CEO started in 2004 and we have many 100mil + SP members.
We do take newer players and enjoy teaching how to have good times. Only a 10M sp requirement.
Were a tight nit group of players who encourage you to do what you enjoy in eve.
June Update. We have moved to Catch and j…
yo. We are a small wormhole corp. I’d like to talk with you if you have a minute.
July 2, 2022, 9:52pm
Tri mk1’er here also :)) Chat with me on discord!
Bad Attitude is a small group of long time eve-online assorted players.We are mostly euro timezone and real life friendly, engaged in everything this game has to offer, both pvp and pve wise. Our group/alliance follows a very limited blue standings list and enjoys the small/med sized kind of content.
Recently we’ve made a move into beeing a sov holding group and nowadays we get to live in Feythabolis region, among the Angel Cartel pirates, with access to everything that a region has to offer to…
Eu time zone, I’ll leave it to you!!!
July 2, 2022, 10:25pm
Proud Members of GoonSwarm Federation
[EVE video The Imperial Federation 02]
Who are we?
We are a large and active multi time zone online gaming community where it’s all about eve online , mainly consisting of Gamers , Nerds , and Geeks of all nationalities it’s a very fun place to be
IFED is currently recruiting. We are part of Goonswarm Federation and The Imperium Coalition. While We are a big corporation, We still retain the close atmosphere of a small corporatio…
Come and have a chat with us
Hi. You should check out Noir. We’re a merc alliance that lives in Thera, but we take contracts all over the game, doing everything from NS constellation harassments to WH structure saves to making timers in an area to see who sides with who. We’ve been around quite a while, long enough to have our own module and we even have the undisputed longest running EVE podcast .
Our players are fairly evenly split between EU and US TZ so you will have people to fly with. If objective oriented PvP sounds interesting to you, come chat with us on our Discord
(Mercenary Alliance - PVP ONLY - HIGH SEC) We offer players PVP content constantly:
We do: Citadel, Attack, defence, protection, hunt and kill
We expect a team mentality - CTA and Alliance OPS - You should want to be there.
We offer a great gamining community
We fully SRP Logi and Alliance ops.
You can make ISK PVPing and we expect you to fly BLING just as we do.
Minimum of 60 mil SP, fly Rattlesnake, Machariel, Nighname, T3s, Logi - Guardians - Basi
Minimum Requirement of 2-3 Accounts: DPS and Logi. Logi toon needs to fly Guardian and basi
July 3, 2022, 8:29pm
Hey Jimmycs83 , In game mail sent, think we are a good choice for you to blow off the cob webs and explore various game changes. Hope we here back.
Hi, we’re a small WH PVP alliance. Casual roams several times a week. Adults only, comms with parental advisory.
Check our killboard
Hail Hydra o7
What is a “gamining community”?
So actually you’re a mining corp?
Check us out at WEF and join us for DRUNK FLEET! PvP-centric corp with tons of other activities and programs to offer. Hit us up! War Eagle Fleet - Unlimited Null Life - GOONSWARM - Highly Active PvP-based Corp
Come back to be apart of Tri <3
October 5, 2022, 4:28am
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