61M Character Sale

EveSkillboard - Wef

Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Current Security Status: 2.08
*Current Solar System: Perimeter.

offer 42b

42.5b offer

Hey again Lian, you bought one of my alts a few months back :slight_smile:

Thanks both for the offers. Will close this tomorrow morning.


44B offer


46 Bil

You’re required to be in an NPC corp prior to making your sales thread and throughout the sales process as per CCP rules; see Welcome to the Character Bazaar - section B., point 2.

Character is in Caldari Provisions.


Happy to take 46B if you are still excited to take over this character :slight_smile:


Not sure if the buyer is returning. Anyone else to offer 45.5B-46B is free to take the character :slight_smile:

43b offer

Accepted. I can start the transfer now once the isk arrives.

isk and info sent

Transfer started.

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