Hey @Xaviar_Onassis and @Vincent_Athena, here’s the best walk through I can offer. Will clarify if anything isn’t immediately grokkable, though. Just ask:
You can see what the mappings would be right now by choosing “winehq-master” as the dev branch and “Latest” as the wine version in the Preferences menu of the EVE Launcher (accessed through the menu bar, not the Launcher settings cog).
We can’t 100% claim that winehq-master will always have the same keybindings (we don’t maintain winehq-master) it has at present, but the current set up is as follows (mostly, ctrl replacing cmd):
- Select All: ctrl-a
- Copy: ctrl-c
- Paste: ctrl-v
- Cut: ctrl-x
- Hide game window: None
- Close windows in EVE: ctrl-w
Any conflicting shortcuts you have set to those binds would have to be reset.
With regard to the mouse, for users who do not have secondary click enabled, there is no difference between the right and left mouse clicks on the Magic Mouse. Without the bespoke “command-click = right click” keybind, “command-click” defaults to “Look At” and there is then no way for someone with only one mouse button to access the contextual (right click) menu. So single button mouse users in the new paradigm will be required to have Secondary Click enabled in the Mouse settings of their Macs.
The Left option key (on official Apple keyboards) on winehq-master is not recognized. You could not use it in the EVE shortcut menu. The labels on the keys of your specific keyboard may be different, and the drivers unique to that hardware, so you will have to see if the keystroke is recognized using winehq-master. (In general, Wine recognizes cmd as the alt key. But there are issues where the system uses cmd for other functions resulting in input conflicts.)
I am not 100% familiar with Discord’s implementation on Mac, so that would be a question for the people who maintain that bit of code.