66M SP Character (SOLD)

WTS- 66M SP Character

Positive wallet (21M ISK in Wallet)
Located in Jita
Positive sec status
Two sets of implants
Two Remaps available
No Kill rights
Jump Clones in Jita/Karan/Schmeel both implant clones are in Jita


39B B/O

Dump Rook 36B

37B,i offer

I modify the price, 39B, or you say a price in your heart. Time is precious, isn’t it.

40bill B/O

LifeHatesMe Offer accepted please contact me in-game to arrange the transfer.

ISK and account info send please note the ingame mails I send the same applies to the second account in regards to the wait time. Thank you.

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Account is ready to receive the transfer when you are ready.

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Character sent. Fly Safe and happy eveing! :slight_smile:

Will be completed after: 9/10/2021 9:28:32 PM

thank you got the email fly safe and enjoy o/

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