8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Years ago it used to be quite a hassle to log in more than one account at a time, although not against the rules. One of the major surprises I got when I came back after a hiatus was that CCP had completely changed the launcher - apparently with the major objective of making playing with alts a lot easier.

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Fly an Orca on an Ice Belt, that is safe.

If you ignore bumping …

if a fleet was mining and inside the same Corp with legal combat setting then everyone could web to each other making it much harder to be bumped off the belt.

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Rename your Orca “Un-gankable!”

played for few days and not going to continue for exactly that reason. CRIME is incentivised in this game and there is NO PUNISHMENT for the crime.
I like the idea that by “undocking you agree to the fact that you might be attacked by other players” but what I don’t like is that the punishment for attacking unsuspected person is what? - 15min suspect timer.
I spend 2-3 hours grinding pve content for loot and isk and what I get in the end is a ganker who blows my ship and takes half of it - I lost time, loot and assets. The other person only gets 15min countdown where he can be attacked by others.
By others! Not even by CONCORD but by other players. And what a joke is that 15min only. Give that person 1 week criminal timer where he’ll be shot on spot by CONCORD - this is fair.

There has to be a mechanic in palace to address CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. But by reading that post I understand that CCP is aware of that but can’t be arsed to address the issue.

CCP can’t be arsed to implement this mechanic - I can’t be arsed to pay them my $.

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Can’t be arsed? The have spent a lot of time to build a viable criminal system in highsec.

How it would be fair if a criminal couldn’t undock for a week? I mean, they do quickly gain outlaw status so anyone can shoot them, plus the faction police follow them around meaning they can’t do anything really. Plus, even if they aren’t an outlaw yet, you earn a killright that allows you, or anyone if you make it public, to shoot them.

There are plenty of consequences to becoming a criminal. It’s not a perfect system, but crime is both punished mechanically and as a result pretty rare in highsec - you only are really at risk if you undock with a lot of ISK so that the potential booty outweighs the guaranteed punishments imposed by the game mechanics.


Well its only fair that in real life criminals can’t undock for years. IF caught.

For 15 minutes what a joke. Again I have spent 2-3 hours grinding, not even counting that time and money for the ship I loose.

You see there’s FAR more REWARD to pop unaware people in high and low sec. At least in High sec CONCORD might respond. But only in 1.0 and 0.9. any lower and and there’s time to escape.
In low sec - no punishment at all. So what’s the difference between low and null sec then?

But how would that work in a video game? If they can’t undock, there would be no more gameplay around crime.

I’m not sure you are looking for advice, but there are many things you can do to make yourself a less attractive target to pirates. All you have to do is survive for 20s or so, and the police will save you. Once you understand that, it is pretty easy to take some precautions to make yourself harder, and thus more costly to explode.

But otherwise, how do you balance risk like this? If someone undocks with a billion ISK in their shuttle and just floats there in space while they go make a sandwich, should they not be exploded? They made a mistake, and were outplayed by the pirate.

There are plenty of people here who can give you tips on how to haul safer. But you can start here already to get some basic advice: Hauling - EVE University Wiki

There’s not. Piracy takes much time, patience and preparation and after that, you still can only turn a profit if the other players makes a mistake or two. Grinding PvE efficiently is a much more lucrative and much more reliable source of income.

Also, it is completely possible to fit your ships so they are not profitable to explode in highsec. That doesn’t guarantee it won’t happen, but it is way, way, way less likely if the suicide ganker is going to lose ISK on the criminal act.

Lowsec there is still punishment - there is a security status loss (which has an impact, although being an outlaw is much easier in lowsec), but there is no near instant response from an unbeatable, omnipotent police force. There are are gate and station guns in lowsec which shoot criminals however.

In nullsec, there is none of this: no security status loss nor gate/station guns to protect you. There are also warp-disruption bubbles there which make it much more dangerous to move around.

But in all of these place - nullsec, lowsec and highsec - there is danger from the other players. That is by design. It is much safer for most activities in highsec, although there are cases where you become profitable to explode.


Nope, you cannot and mustn’t evade Concorde in Highsec.

So just do it. Learn how to gank, have a lot of fun. This way you learn to avoid being ganked, too.

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I have often wondered if folks with this sort of view stop to think “Many people play and have played this game…they can’t all have been smarter than me, and they figured it out…surely I can also.”

But fair winds and following seas on wherever your entertainment journey takes you Rumata.

You can learn and adapt to any set of rules whether you agree with the rules or not.

I do like the game - I tried it first time like 10years ago - couldn’t understand ■■■■, so it didn’t stick. This time I do dig it.

Its just my SUBJECTIVE opinion that the logic behind why you would want to attack other players and risk/reward is OBJECTIVELY not right.

I say there should be more incentives to cooperate between pilots of same faction, no to attack each other.


Gladly Uninstalled client again. After 1 week after getting omega I realized there are better ways to waste $20 than spend it on Eve.
I quit 3 years ago after a 2.4 bill Isk loss in High sec.
This will be the third time uninstalling eve after less than a month.
It is a grief platform and it is pointless to continue perpetually abusing myself.
Letting a bunch of losses make me feel invested like I need to continue to double down on losses. It is a grief platform catering to its own elite.
Don’t Un-dock = Don’t play. How stupid?
The game prays on players that chase losses like a casino Its better at it than some.
Still there is no point to the platform other than to cause grief to yourself.
Its sad I wanted to play the platform but with no support and mechanics clearly designed for catering to Griefing and PVP over any slight support to the solo player.
I would not try to compete with Botters.
I would say eve had been made a crap game made up of crap players.

Griefing trolling players.
Cloaky haulers are not good enough. Nothing works nothing is safe You will lose everything you un-dock in.
Nothing you try will ever work because it is a grief game and CCP loves your tears.
They will tell you to Harden The ■■■■ Up. Adapt and overcome. Like any abuser the will justify their actions and say you are bringing it on yourself.
You the Martyr will continue to try to prove to yourself you can Achieve some recourse in vain.
This is what they think of you. This is them… Eve is their place just stay out.
Uninstall its the only way to win.

Awww. Sweet tears.

How great of you to try biting cactus once again and letting us know :slight_smile:

Nullsec is a dangerous place, even for cloaked ships. There are warp disruption bubbles that can catch you and allow people to explode you.

What you need to move around there is something nullified to warp disruption bubbles - a Victorieux Luxury Yacht or a T3 cruiser perhaps. Or an interceptor.

But even these aren’t perfectly safe. You are going to lose a ship from time-to-time. The better your understand the game, the less that will happen, but New Eden is a dangerous place and losing ships is suppose to happen. The trick is to mitage your risk and roll with these occasional losses.

This fact is what gives the game meaning, and maybe what keeps bringing you back. But if that isn’t your cup of tea, well, fly safe and enjoy whatever game turns your crank.



I get it Interdiction nullification is a thing in the game, Now the fact that a single hauling vessel has never been developed with interdiction nullification is proof its a grief platform.
same reason Freighters only have 3 low slots. because the game is designed for grief first.
Causing grief. ganking players and trolling them is what eve is for. I could run back and forth in nullified ships and shuttles. in fact i did just before i got destroyed. Every single time you un-dock you will lose.
Other players will Troll you tell you its your fault and refuse to see the game is designed for grief. Being a gate camper is the easy way in eve. Pay your monthly fee do not try to farm anything and Kill at gates
The Millennium Falcon was a modular hauling vessel Proving only in eve is a huge hauling vessel blatantly Nerfed causing farmers/miners in the game to be at a huge disadvantage. this theme runs strong thru the whole worthless platform
a cloaky hauler should remain the same… you need a blockade runner for High sec
This leaves no hauling options for null sec
There should be a Nullified cloaky hauler and Freighters. Why the hell not? because its a grief platform. Eve will make heavy interdiction cruisers and Expensive answer for the PVP gate camper But nothing for the miner hauler. you are fodder bait a killmail to troll and laugh at. Enjoy your self abusive masochistic pleasure place. Its your fault you played the game.
I am actually happy to uninstall. I’m sure the game is great for basement dwellers that don’t have any desire to talk to women.

I’ve always wondered how it is folks like ol’ sirtech here don’t think before going on these wailing rants: “hmm…this game has been going for 17 years…and there are a lot of people during that time who have been able to play it…they can’t all have been smarter than me, right?..”

It seems to be the way people converse now. If you want to convince somebody that you are right then you first have to convince them that you are the biggest victim.

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I must have missed the caption “This thread is for ranting and complaining purposes. Feel free to convince all the other EVE players that they’ve been wrong for up to 17 years. They will be happy and thankful for this enlightenment.”

The golden rules are to be understood and kept, not to be discussed, for Bob’s sake.
It’s like discussing the pawn movement restrictions in chess, and why because of that oddity chess will never be as popular as it could be.


thanks for your advice.