8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

There are no levels in eve how can someone have a lvl 100 char

This game is sandbox.
These rules help so newbies wont get killed.

Those who don’t leave have learned the important lesson that losing a ship is not at all equivalent to being “killed”.

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To quote The Producers:

“Never put your own money in the play”

^the most important rule you can learn here

Ever read ‘The Art of War’? NEVER fight fair!

So you prefer to invest time “in the play” and work for a service which has to be maintained every day presumably not only by joy and philanthropy? Or are you thinking about old ladies sponsoring you?

Don’t fly anything blingy, or carry anything of much value and you will be fine.

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#1. Never give CCP money. Ever.

I want to clarify the rule about don’t fly something you can’t afford to lose.

Taken literally this is nonsense. This rule taken literally would have you grinding out the cost of a ship many times over before you even undock it. A great way to burn out in the game.

Sooner or later you will undock in something that you can’t afford to replace. That is different to can’t afford to lose.

You need to find the level of risk you are comfortable. Assuming you don’t sell your old ship to buy the next ship, if you get yourself a ship that can earn you isk faster then use it. You will be able to afford a second and third one quicker doing so than grinding. Just do so understanding that you might lose it.

An important rule that I didn’t see explicitly pointed out in there that links to the above rule. Think twice before trying to make up for a lack of SP with expensive fits. Sometimes you can do everything perfectly and still lose. You will get more play time out of five cheap fits than you will out of two expensive ones. You will also learn more lessons flying them.

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That’s very personal. It depends on your real life isk per hour. It’s more valuable to me to buy my subscriptions than grind out the isk to subscribe them.

From a new player perspective, just a couple changes to the insurance system would help keep more players in the game, instead of them walking away because they recognize it’s simply going to take too long to reach the “I can afford to lose this” level with the “entry level” combat ships in the more exciting parts of space.

CCP should simply create another insurance option, “Premium Plus” where any T1 non-combat ships can be fully insured for travel in High-Security space, which includes any T1 fittings and any ores or T1 cargo … full reimbursement. The “Plus” coverage would be voided (and default back to regular “Platinum”) if weapons are fitted or drones deployed when the loss occurs.

This would allow new players who are either interested mainly in PvE or those who want to get a PvE base down before dipping their toes in intentional PvP waters to pursue low level activities in High-Sec space without the sociopathic griefers ruining their learning experience.

Which is why the game is niche and declining in population. Eventually, it will be just a handful of players who lasted long enough to afford supercaps, and they’ll have no one left to lose them to, because no new players are gonna sit around and get farmed by vets for 2 years when they could play another game where they aren’t being served up to experienced sociopaths.

EvE was always niche. It at one time and for some time appealed mostly - mostly - to people who liked some challenge to their gaming rather than the masses of push-buttan-get-bacon-keep-stacking-that-gold folks who complain about getting “farmed” evidently ignoring that every one of the vets they complain about figured out the same situations. That has been changing in your favour for some time and is actually the reason many have lost interest in EvE.

So be it. Que Sera Sera. All good things must come to an end. Better for EvE to die than to be continually diluted and twisted into a mockery of what it was.


Insurance is based solely on ships and the cost to build them. Sure its still not close to what it costs to replace it.

No “plus” to the insurance. Leave it alone

Then you will indeed get the death you crave. Enjoy Albion, or whatever.

So we’ve got to find out if Eve is going to die in a month, a year, or rather a decade or two…
You started mourning quite early.

13,000 players on this past Friday night. Including alts. That’s not good…

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If you lose stuff, it’s almost always your fault. Really, only yours.

I have never seen a more blatant version of victim blaming.

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What else would you expect from a game dominated by sociopaths and dying as a result?


That’s right, that’s pure “victim” blaming.
But as we all play by the rules, it’s like a losing team in sports, they are “victim” to the winning team. Their own decisions lead to their loss.
You have to keep in mind that EVE is a game where you have to learn not to be a victim and/or to cope with it by earning enough to compensate the losses and learn tricks and tactics. We all lose ships.
Don’t be a victim, be a winner!