8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

it is also lazy and weak minded

It’s not a PvP sandbox game it’s a sandbox game with PvP elements.

Eh. Not quite. We all live in a real PvP world. Every day that I pull out of my drive, or walk to the corner store, or whatever… I could be murdered.

But you definitely cannot say that by leaving my house, I consent to being murdered.

The issue that people seem to miss in this is that the problem is NOT PvP.

It’s not even non-consensual attack, really.

It’s that every new player that arrives comes here with a set of expectations about how “real world” conventions apply.

And initially, few of them truly understand that by showing up and engaging with the world, they WILL, eventually, be murdered.

I can hear you scoffing. But the consistency with which this dissonance occurs across all open pvp offerings (even among those who like military/combat games) really should be a bit more acknowledged, don’t you think?

And come on, you know as well as I that noob campers absolutely love being the ‘demonstration’, and in ways that history shows is not good for more than a niche segment (<10% at present for MMO offerings, according to NPD Group last I checked).

One can make gritty quotes a la ‘Dirty Harry’ all day, but the fact that every bit of this remains pretty much undisturbed from launch day kind of speaks for itself. Not just with this game, either.

Don’t make me link you stuff. I will.

This thread shouldn’t be a thread. It should be part of the new player tutorial so they hear it explicitly, early, and often throughout their capsuleer program.

And it shouldn’t be the taunt you throw when you hear it yet again (!!) because when it is, you’re killing your own delight… even if you don’t realize it.

EvE learned a lot from economists. They should spend some time with ecologists. (As should anyone thinking about making open world pvp games.) All you wind up with when you select for aggressive predation is population crash… there’s no such thing as the infinite resource… and for an economic setting, it’s really kind of surprising how reliably dissonant some are on how long you can pop doves before either they stop coming around or are extinct.


Edit to add: People are interested in EvE again because the MMO genre hasn’t managed to bring a viable innovation to market in a bit… it doesn’t last long, though… make the most of it.

edit: Hidden by the community? Ya’ll triflin’.

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Perhaps we should also emphazise the basic good news of EVE Online: You cannot die.
When you get podded, you keep your ISK, PLEX, skills, ships and friends. So just hop into another ship and carry on!

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That would be a great start, really. But what I would wish to see is a ‘serious business’ corporation decide to take up patrol and protection in HISEC.

Were this to happen, you’d never lack for PvP again. It wouldn’t take that much really:

  1. A CCP created/managed (not like an NPC corp, more like a ‘you have to be active to stay in it’ thing) or not, a corporation that takes a legitimate run at being response teams for a given region or system of HISEC space.

  2. A slate of content that includes all the normal faction-driven rewards for the corporation, including a rank/progression system.

  3. An ‘emergency’ response network (does dotlan have an API?) that sqawks alert whenever CONCORD is notified and allows the corporation to INTERCEPT calls to CONCORD (which obligates them to respond).

  4. HISEC players could opt into or out of having their capsuleer monitored (which would bring it’s own hazards, if you’re into more than HISEC activities), but it requires a daily ISK cost (costs and expenses of those who protect and serve must be met, right?).

Any of this could be undertaken by those who purport to be interested in PVP (as opposed to predation) and it would do a LOT to bring value to non-combatants and PvP players alike.

Or you know, you can just pretend that pursuing population crash is something any intelligent predator would actually do. (shrug) No skin off my nose either way.


They pretty much do this - it is called nullsec.

these rules are solid. thanks

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When I get home, I’m putting this single line in my character’s bio after I log on. Seriously.

Such an important point.


I prefer my version…

If you can afford to buy it…you can afford to lose it.


Maybe not always.

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Looks like they answered their own dliemma…

" It was around 600b isk worth of BPOs and everything would fit into a single interceptor. I could have kept this in Jita or any NPC-Station instead, but I chose my own structure for role-playing reasons"

yeah…right now there’s 2 gate camps on the route from the old to the new Incursion focus, I can choose between losing my ship or stay docked and close the game.

Not the most interesting gameplay

Or you could find a wormhole route.

Either you are incredibly lucky and find a A641 or it is not really a viable option

Looking for it would give you something to do other than cowering in-station and grousing on the forums.


9th golden rule: Enjoy wormholes!

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Continuing the discussion from 8 Golden Rules for EVE Online:


lol nice

you can disagree as violently as you wish, it won’t change a thing. EVE has always been this way, deal with it like the rest of us.

Ugly pvpears, why you cannot find somebody equal for your level, why do you try to engage newbies for no reason? I saw a lot of new players complaints about that. If person don’t want to pvp your 100 lvl character in shiny 1-2 billions whatever battle ship with it’s newbie vexor or caracal, what he have to do?
these rules are not fear. They are not equal to different types of players. Because you can buy 100 of that battle ships. But that new bro can lose only one ship.
If you kill a new player he will quit this game. And do not recommend it to his friends. So this has to be changed. It is sad that people left this game. Less money to developers. :cry: