8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Yeah, that’s one scenario I’d be afraid of. An MWD bomber might get away if he reacts fast enough, and as you said, an AB bomber could try keeping a tight orbit and mitigating the damage. It would be a much harder matchup for sure.

Oh, a neut would make this more interesting, I have little experience with cap warfare. Are you saying the Tornado is a fit you use or one that you would specifically choose to kill a bomber?

I guess I will have to keep ■■■■■■■ around with ABCs when I get the opportunity and find out the hard way myself.

Caring about your KB stats is for the weak-minded!

Whew, so I’ve got some Pyfa warrioring skills after all! Yeah, as always in EVE, fights are situational and a lot depends on what both parties are fit for. Though I will think twice now before trying my luck with your Oracle if I come across it.

Thanks for the thoughtful response, there’s so much to learn in this game!

Yes. It does good work against lots of stuff. Built specifically for punching down.

That’s the spirit! (Go find a JetBlue :P)

I only fly the Nado. Not only do I hate the bad range oof the Talos, the poor tracking of the Naga, and the subpar control of the Oracle, but I am only skilled into large autocannons.

Indeed, sir, indeed.

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Ah yes, the best counter to a fit meant for punching up.

What’s a JetBlue?

Airline joke. Spirit and JetBlue are having merger difficulties, and JetBlue, Spirit, and Frontier have been squabbling about Spirit’s west coast slots for a while.

More accurately, this is both a strategy game and an RPG, and claiming it is one thing and not the other is ignoring several meaningful aspects of the game. Telling some new players one or the other might help them when starting out, but will hurt their experience in the long term. And on the point being claimed here, the “new advice” doesn’t actually line up with the original “rule” it’s meant to be replacing.

The header text for the rule isn’t the best, but it’s followed up with a variant on the usual “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose” rule which is so widely known in-game. THIS part is the better phrasing of the rule, and your response to it doesn’t address this point. Generally, this means you should have a second version of a ship you care about, or the ISK you’d need to buy one. If your ship dies, being able to get it back is valuable. I make a point, personally, to include that “care about” point in there - if you’re ok with losing a ship and just switching to something else, have the something else or the ISK to buy that instead.

This entire section is just you missing the point, and being wrong in your alternative advice. You literally describe one aspect of what PvP is, then claim that isn’t PvP and try to sell that blatant lie to people, while ignoring most of what PvP is in this game. In EVE, PvP is almost everywhere, and ties into almost everything in the game. “Consent to PvP” means you accept that other players are a meaningful and important part of the game world. You will, even if not very directly, be interacting with other players and trying to achieve your own personal goals while working around them. Even something as simple as the market is PvP. Your purchases and sales almost always involve other players directly, and often indirectly with players other than the one you buy from listing the same item, or players other than the one who pays your price looking for the same item.

Someone else responded that Hek is a friendly place to meet players. My experience in Amarr space has told me that their trade hub is often active and talkative and you can get interesting conversations to happen. I’ve spent a lot more time in Caldari space, and while Jita is a trash-heap to try and be social in, there’s plenty of space outside of the trade hub where you can meet people and make friends and/or rivals. These can lead to scams, or to just productive growth of your list of friends and other contacts. Also, joining a corp just to do one activity one time then leave, is counterproductive by any reasonable standard, AND isn’t relevant advice to the point of the rule you’re trying to replace with it. This is worse than the first point, because the advice is more definitively harmful to a player’s experience, while being similarly off-topic to the point you’re trying to replace with supposedly “better” advice.

This line is one of the most useful pieces of advice contained within your entire post. It would be much more useful as an addendum to the point you’re responding to, than it is in your own rambling “new advice” which doesn’t address the points being made by the original rule anywhere near as well as the original does. I think it’s worth addressing that ISK and skills matter, but that personal experience in the game is more valuable than them. But in large part, the reason experience is useful, is that it helps you more effectively choose which skills to go after, and how to make ISK more effectively while still enjoying yourself.

This line is the only one which actually annoys me. You pay lip service with half a sentence to the idea actually being presented in this rule, but the content of your response shows that you’re entirely missing the actual rule here. It’s not about higher-tier gear, anywhere near as much as about actually seeking out the “bigger” items. A small gun is a small gun, whether it’s a small T1 gun, a small meta gun, or a small T2 gun. A faction frigate is still a frigate. And a battleship, while there are things it can do better than a frigate, is never going to be as good at being a frigate as a frigate is. No matter how much bigger your battleship is, that enormous stack of shield and armour and hull HP will never give it frigate-level speed and agility, even if you put a battleship-sized MWD on it. And no matter how big the damage numbers are on your battleship’s 425mm railguns, they’re never going to be sensible weapons to clear a swarm of light combat drones with. Spending 750 million on a decent battleship fit is great if you’re up against another battleship, but if you stand and fight against 10% of your ship’s value in well-fited combat frigates, you’re going to be in a nasty spot. A large shield extender is about 2x the shield strength of a medium extender, but the fitting requirements make it implausible to fit one on a frigate. Giving advice not to always go for the most expensive or “best” items in any category can be good advice, but it’s thoroughly irrelevant to the point at issue here.

Once again, I think you have a valid point here, but as an extension of the original rule, not a complete replacement for it. Use the in-game info BUT also use google. A lot of the in-game info, even if it’s current, doesn’t have enough in-game provided context for a player to really know what they’re getting told without some further research. The few (and it is only a few) outdated or irrelevant bits of data floating around the UI only reinforce that you would benefit from multiple sources, not relying on just the in-game information OR just a google search. Both sources have value.

And this… this is the only point where I can 100% unreservedly say “your answer is just an objectively better rule than the original” because… yeah, it is. Well said! I don’t think players should be as upset about loss as you imply with the way you’re phrasing things in a lot of your post, but I do think they should take any losses as learning experiences, and use those lessons to help them try and avoid the same thing happening again in future. But also, your advice here directly contradicts your suggestion that players don’t talk to you, so… maybe rethink the point that isn’t this one where you claim the opposite of what’s needed for this to be such great advice.


In most games they call them Tryhards, Sweatlords, etc…

Uh, as a Newbro I was also ganked in my Venture in Algogille while I was afk doing some laundry. Of course I was mad at him, but now, years later, I think it was a valuable lesson, because I started to think about where I went wrong, what countermeasures are possible, and studied killboards and patterns of this guy to find a way of revenge, which of course never happened - I just enjoy the satisfaction to be much longer active than the chars which were mean to me.

And there’s another reason for killing a Venture: Testing. I tried to kill some auto piloting shuttles with smartbombs in highsec just to find out what’s gonna happen. That test failed, but it was still fun.

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Do it outside Jita 4-4, become a badass -10, feared by shuttle pilots throughout Jita and a magnet for NEPF like dog poop is to flys.

have always been windering if Ahbason is a feature or a bug… :slight_smile:

everyone plays their own EVE which catches up with everyone

After playing eve for the past 3 months Ive found that for a game that allows stealing from other players and some grimey ish that if done in real life would make you either a criminal or a badass, yall are some acutally soft people.

It seems to be your portal for a pretend tough guy/gal. When words get thrown around or anger is developed which seems to be this games objective depending of which “path” you take. Then yall start reporting because words on a screen hurt your feelings. These are the same people who fall victim to “online bulling” because theyre not smart enough to turn the pc off lol.

If your a new player, its fun at first but this game is trash. It goes against anything youve ever played on whats right and/or wrong. Things that would get you banned in other games or griefing is allowed here. Its an oxymoron waiting to explode on your face.

This game is only for the mentally ill, “let them do what they want so you can see what they would rather do”.

After playing eve for several years I’ve found that “you”, “him”, and “this one” are different people showing different characteristic traits. Some are soft, some are loud, some are confident, some are overcautious, some are daring, some are even mean, but the vast majority consists of folks being there for having a good time. So be nice and patient, and it will pay out.

Do you think calling someone “mentally ill” basing on generalizations will often be followed by some friendly conversation?

Yeah, it kinda has to, indeed in RL I don’t gang up to blow up farmer’s harvesters, and I don’t invest a fair amount of money into weapons, either. But there’s also the “gf” part, which means “perhaps next time you’re lucky instead of me”, and also “thank you for the content”, knowing that sometimes I’m providing the content. GF and o7!


Calm down whinebaby

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Watch out! It’s an internet tough guy!

Hey, you leave Boo out of this, ok? The scene context it is taken from, totally misfits the situation here imho. Why not use something else?

For we are obviously monsters, we all know these tears are potentially DEADLY! RUN AWAY!!!

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I think that you consent to economic PvP even if you never hit the undock button you can still lose more ships than in PvP in the market manipulation and price fixing, undercutting, in scams in local chat, in contract scams, hypernet gambling. There is more blood on the market ISK than outside of it. Jita local chat sucks up ISK fortunes just as much as any turret cycle.

“The 8 golden reasons not to play eve?”

I’ve been playing eve for about a month now. I was thinking this game might be a long term endeavor, but after reading this post I am not sure this game is for me. Frankly it seems like it is made for “bad guys” or to train you to become a “bad guy” if you aren’t already one. Full of scams and griefing and that’s how it’s intended to be!!??

Maybe I am missing something, but that would be because as I said, I am a noob, but also, this post of 8 golden rules doesn’t provide a view of the plus side of eve, which I assume there must be, since there are 18K players that still flock to this game after 20 years.

Where’s the post that makes eve all worth it, despite this very negative (albeit I presume factual) set of rules?

I feel as a noob I am merely a lamb brought to slaughter, and wondering if this is why my experience in chat has been so positive. Is it a question of “Get the noobs fat and ready so we can take them for all they have”? Is this what eve is? Are there “good guys (girls)” in eve?

You should also read

Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.

It might sound a little contradicting but these are different rules - forum rules and it earns you a forum badge :stuck_out_tongue:

Also you say you are a noob but are you? As those rules state you might be 20 years old player on new char :thinking: Are you roleplaying now?