8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

There are , you get ganked

Think of it this way.

At any given point. Anywhere (in game) pvp can find you, if you want it or not.

The question isn’t if. It’s when and how are you going to respond when it does.

Are you going to accept the win/lost with maturity or are you going to flip out, and start issuing IRL death threats, and unspeakable sexual acts upon the other player(s) and their mom?

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Moms are strictly out of bounds.

They lost in pvp so they are desperately trying to save face with chat channel-fu.

It doesn’t work.

The typical reaction being

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Yes, I think that’s what this means:

and I didn’t post that had an issue with it, did I?

Like I do in any other game: think on what happened and try it again when I want more of the same fun.

The fact that you have to ask shows that the problem is on your side.

I’m fine with the entire O.P
I questioned the relationship between PvP and PvE in the game and worked it out for myself.

How so?

The number of times I received death threats, hexes and what not just for engaging someone in low sec, is astonishing. And I’m the one that offers the “good fight.” So please, enlighten me. How is it my problem?

Keep cool, you know our problem is mainly players who want to change the rules in the Newbro section of the forums.
These “golden rules” are an advice, not a suggestion.
Anyone who wants to change the rules: Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums


lol golem is not a frigate… thanks for trying though.

Show me on this Golem plushie where the mean ganker touched you.

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Forget fair.
There are no fights at all.
And it’s not a ‘game’. It’s an online financial operation.

That’s what PvP in gaming is for, a bunch of cowards who couldn’t hold their own in a real fight.

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Unlike you who have had none?

This is the very first rule mentioned:

This doesn’t just mean to have enough ISK, but not to suffer a mental breakdown when things go awry.

Thanks for the example for golden rule one.

Please send me all your stuff

pretty sure you can’t say that for the whole game, (that would be the same as saying a certain city is a Sh$thole, just because you ben to a dark back-ally)

pvp wise, most of lowsec can be alot of fun, and the honourable pirates/gankers make it a challenge to kill you with somethings much smaller than what you flying, because that takes skill.

sure there are other places where they shoot newbies in ventures with Tech3 Pen$s enlargements and feel good about themselfs, but they thats just how life is, not everyone is a nice person.

i learned the most about PvP from those honerable gankers, sure you die alot, but you learn somethings too, if one act like a human being past puberty and not like 4 year old child.

EVE Online: the one MMO you can’t and shouldn’t compare to any other MMO.

Yep, EVE Online is officially dying since 2003.
That’s rule #29

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Removed several Offtopic and some inappropriate Postings.

Please stay on Topic or stay out …

Its meeee