My concern over scams being encouraged as a part of the game, is that it is not realistic. In the real world there is scams but in the real world there are consequences. Fear of consequences is important. You could say it is the same in the real world but its not. In the real world the people in the real world that do it always fear getting caught, in eve you just move on to another character.
EVE Online community witnessed a baffling event. A player by the name of Lactose Intolerant was killed in an Orca mining freighter while transporting a ridiculous number of blueprints to one of EVE Online’s trade hubs. Almost everything was destroyed. Though no exact estimate of their value can be made, players I’ve spoken to guess Lactose Intolerant’s total loss to be around 500 billion ISK. When converted to EVE Online subscription time it equals nearly $5,000 USD.
In the days since Lactose was ganked, he’s become the laughing stock of EVE Online
And still there’s at least a forgotten Venture in Couster that he didn’t lose in that incident, probably all his fleet is still intact (but one Orca ). Also his wallet and PLEX-Vault didn’t change.
But as everyone can see we are back at the Golden Rules: Stick to them and don’t lose a fortune.
Hi, my name is Nemec and I like football
Trying this game to see if I like.
That’s why cowboys used to travel with two or more horses. Never know what can happen.
It’s a PvP game, not much choice there.
That’s what I tell my team.
That’s not what she said.
I also found the Compare tool very handy.
Of course. Life isn’t kindergarten.
Don’t worry be happy.
Really really?
Thank you for the heads up. Can’t say I wasn’t warned now.
Hi, my name is Zaera and I like ganking
Good things come in small packages , like me.
Hello Zaera. Nice to meet you
I see you are still here…
How do you feel about the game now?
I’m still in New Eden, and enjoying it much more than I used to. My corp has joined a new alliance which is much better than our old one. I ended up taking an unplanned hiatus for medical reasons for a long time, but when I came back, I had a better handle on my expectations, my skills as a player (not in-game skills you train with skillbooks), and the alliance we joined has been much more helpful.
It’s interesting that nothing has changed too much in terms of the ships I lose, the mistakes I make, and some of the struggles I encounter. What matters more than any of that is the attitude I face it all with. I make dumb mistakes, but they’re my mistakes, not the fault of someone else. Sometimes those mistakes cost me dearly, like when I lost two Dominixes and a training pod all in one night because I was being stubborn and stupid. Sometimes I narrowly avoid a loss, and it’s a reminder not to do dumb stuff again.
As far as PvP, we have good fleet commanders where I’m at, my in-game skills have caught up with the doctrines we fly, and I’m more confident in what I’m doing. I haven’t really dug into solo PvP yet, but that’ll be the next step. As far as fleets, I really enjoy them. More often than not, I look forward to jumping into a fleet with my friends to bash or defend a structure, intercept a gang, or just fly around and take down targets of opportunity.
I still think it behooves new players to manage their expectations. Understand, recruiters and the like want to sell you on an idea because they want you to do something. Keep that in mind when they’re making something seem too good to be true. Even so, if you’re in a good corp and they have a good support system in their alliance, you shouldn’t struggle immensely. You also have to ask for help.
Glad you have recovered from your medical issue .
Im excited to hear that you settled in.
I agree a good group of like minded people can really elevate the experience.
I learned so much from the corpmates ive had here.
I fly solo now myself…wizened old trooper floating about wanderratting …
Kill em all yo. o7
Show no mercy
Those rules can be golden or silver, it doesn’t matter, the fault is squarely on CCP.
This is a game where players lose, period.
The only winners here is CCP because the only way to win is to not play.
In what way is it CCP fault? EVE - Everyone Versus Everyone
It’s their game, isn’t it? DUH!
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
Now go play a PVE game like a good little girl while the rest of us have fun PvP’ing.
Now look what you made me do, you made me go out, gank a noobie.
What kind of game do you think Eve Online is really about? I mean seriously. What do you think this game has always been about from the first day? I am curious as to what kind of game you think this is?
Lets get past the whole, yes it is a sandbox game. An open world. And get to the real question of what you think this is game truly is about.
I’m gonna let it go for your sake, dude. You seem like a nice guy, I’m not going to embarrass you in front of all these people.
So you have no answers… Got it…
You can not embarrass me. I asked a question and you provided none. Which leavers the question of what game you think Eve Online is to you.
In Eve Online when you undock. You’re taking your chances in getting your ship blown up, trying to shoot another ship out of the sky, or you should be playing another game. But hey maybe I have been playing a different Eve Online. shrugs
Was it as good for that noobie, as it was for you?? LOL
Thank you @Lord_Kalus for recommending this page!
Thank you @ISD_Athechu for explaining the game.
Thank you both for your help!
@ISD_Athechu Funny rules… for a funny game