80+ Pilot Allianceless, Yet Non-Renter Corp Living In Sov Nullsec Seeking PvP and Indy Players. Free Cruisers, Punch and Pie


Just a corp with dreams,
Forming up with some big dank memes,
They took the midnight crane
Goin’ anyyywhereee

Just Seto boy,
Born and raised in South Devoidddd
He took the midnight crane
Goin’ anyyywhereee

A camper in a covops ship,
Lookin’ for that dscan blip,
Shooting torps late in the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Our industrialists be like…

We have dropped out of FW and are shifting our pvp focus on Nullsec pvp. Oh how I’ve missed HICs… :slight_smile:

Also, my wife thought she was funny…

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Still recruiting! :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:


Would like to talk to you some time tbis weekend? Central time thanks

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Sure thing man! Swing by the public channel 3NT or send me an evemail whenever.

I’m working a lot today and tomorrow, but I’m online while I work and can usually step away to chat.

I look forward to chatting it up. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting! :slight_smile:

This way if you’re tackled, we can literally listen to you scream for help! :smiley:


Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Yesterday, my Flycatcher defied death.

Ahh, definitely one of those “WOOO!” moments. :slight_smile:


Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:


Still recruiting. :slight_smile:


Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:

Still recruiting. :slight_smile:


I have read through your bio and thought about your remarks and I have to admit you have my juices flowing again. I have never been much of a PvP’er but not by choice. I have always struggled to keep my OMEGA staus up to date but have been paying for it with much chagrin.
I would like to become able to pay my sub with in-game ISK (PLEX) and also start to have a little fun again.
I mine and do some cheap agent missions but I seem to be afraid to move past that point.
Been in a few corps and have never been able to find what really makes me WANT to keep playing the game. Now I am at the point that I do to pass the time but I would much more like to look forward to new challenges.
I really liked your comment about learning to DIE before anything. It actually made alot of sense becauseI could see that being a part of removing that dread of working towards something and having it taken away from you. It’s certainly not the end of the world.
I want to invest my EVE time into something worthwhile again and growing and nurturing a new corp seems like the answer I have been looking for.

So to recap my babbling I want to become self-reliant, have more fun, work towards some common goals, and become part of something bigger than myself.

Let me know if this kinda fits your plans for the future. I would love to give it a try because I am stagnant where I am.

I have 2 OMEGA and 1 ALPHA account at the moment.
Any other questions you have I would love to chat.

Stay safe.

Alisma Cadelanne

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