Just sent you a reply ingame actually, but I’ll post something similar here to help answer questions from people in a similar situation as yourself.
The area of space we live in is a bit rough at times. Eve is a massive game that has the ability to chew people up and sometimes make them not want to play anymore out of sheer frustration.
We are very willing to teach, but the actual pilot/learned skills may make it very difficult at first for you to enjoy the game and/or make any isk at all. Of course injectors can fix that, but those also give you a false sense of “Yeah! I’m awesome!”.
I would say to anyone in your position that you should join our public channel and take some advice there on what skills would benefit you the most, should you be interested in this way of playing the game. The core engineering skills being the most beneficial.
It would be very hard, but not impossible. I came to null after about 6 days of playing eve and I never regretted it. I just cant speak for your, or anyone else’s, tenacity.
Queue new round of recruiting!!! Free cruisers, punch, & pie for war-fighters…indy guys have to pay.
(Join our ‘3nt Recruits’ channel for more information)