A better way for War dec's

I am often surprised why someone would be on the side of gankers saying you are not safe and should not be and then on the other hand say things like open up wars to the defenseless and naive.

For me the issue has always been the stupidity of blanket war decs to create a target list of defenseless and naive people, and restricting wars to only those that dared to put up structures focussed the whole war dec system on hisec industry players.

I think you are a Goon related player, so I guess that this is why you are happy with this system, excuse me if I am wrong here or that this is not part of your thought process, but the destruction of independent hisec indy players suits the heavily industry focussed Goon leadership a great deal. So of course they would be happy with it.

Limiting wars to 3 per entity would create more focussed and better targeted and perhaps smaller wars. Enabling 20 based on a war HQ enabled war deccers to play their game but not make it a blanket system.

Enabling allies to be allies makes actual space combat more likely.

Please explain.

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